The Mothman musuem wants my sexay ass!


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
This is random..and typically not Nevermore related...but I think my career in art has officially begun! :tickled:

I've been talking to a few authors (on mothman books...what else?), and I showed one of them that creepy barbie mothman I made...he said that it was almost exactly like the real thing!
"If you are interested and after you finish your projects with the figure you
made....please consider shipping it to me so I can display it here in the
Mothman museum we are getting ready to open ....I try to collect and display
all sorts of Mothman related items and yours looks like it would go over
well....let me know if you are interested.....take care...Jeff Wamsley"

HELL YEAH! I've got the shakes, i'm so excited!
Some of my stuff is going into the museum Point Pleasant is putting together! My creepy little figures will be sitting next to movie props, photos, and other godly items!

In other art is being sold/shown at a local gallery (The Bat Kave) in a few months...whoo!
And apparently Petco is haunted now. Last sunday's night crew was being harassed by a ghost/ lankey shadowperson..thing.
It was throwing tennis balls at them from across the store...not to mention fucking with the electricity in the air. Everyone was getting shocked that night, I guess.

I've been seeing strange lights at night, too... :hypno:

All sorts of crazy! whee!


(those are made out of barbies (female..and decapitated) covered in plaster cast material)

You can answer me, I'm not as creepy and evil as I let on. I just find it weird you like moth people. But the name kinda says it all.
I've talked to Jeff wamsley a few times, he used to own a record store here called Criminal Records. It was a good place to buy metal. :kickass:
Point Pleasent is about 45 minutes from where I live, I've not seen the mothman here. :D
Bacchante said:
"If you are interested and after you finish your projects with the figure you
made....please consider shipping it to me so I can display it here in the
Mothman museum we are getting ready to open ....I try to collect and display
all sorts of Mothman related items and yours looks like it would go over
well....let me know if you are interested.....take care...Jeff Wamsley"



YUSS! Barbie dolls at their best! Ha, my mom soon gave up giving me barbies: no 'BarbielovesKen' stuff ...i slashed them! :grin:
Those are mega creepy, i like it.
Succes and get yourself a deal!
Random Beard said:
You can answer me, I'm not as creepy and evil as I let on. I just find it weird you like moth people. But the name kinda says it all.
Hehe..well.. I'm obsessed with creepy things, and mothmen are the ultimate in creepy. For example, I was fascinated with Nazgul when I was seven years old, and I drew them all over my math papers. I've always been a weirdo. :loco:
Loner said:
I've talked to Jeff wamsley a few times, he used to own a record store here called Criminal Records. It was a good place to buy metal. :kickass:
Point Pleasent is about 45 minutes from where I live, I've not seen the mothman here. :D
Thats awsome!...I've chatted with him a few times, and he seems like a really nice guy :dopey: And yea, mothman sightings are rare lately. Most of them happened between 1966 and '67. There was some really scarey shit going on back then, and it had nothing to do with drugs, either :)
Have you ever been to the festivals held in Point Pleasant? They sound like fun.

Thankee, everybody! I'm currently working on a better model for the museum..this one was a little honkey. I'll post the new pictures on this thread once I finish it. :wave:
Bacchante said:
Hehe..well.. I'm obsessed with creepy things, and mothmen are the ultimate in creepy. For example, I was fascinated with Nazgul when I was seven years old, and I drew them all over my math papers. I've always been a weirdo. :loco:

Thats awsome!...I've chatted with him a few times, and he seems like a really nice guy :dopey: And yea, mothman sightings are rare lately. Most of them happened between 1966 and '67. There was some really scarey shit going on back then, and it had nothing to do with drugs, either :)
Have you ever been to the festivals held in Point Pleasant? They sound like fun.

Thankee, everybody! I'm currently working on a better model for the museum..this one was a little honkey. I'll post the new pictures on this thread once I finish it. :wave:

Nope, I've never gone to any festivals there. In fact, I think it's been several years since I've been there at all. In case you didn't know, Jeff wrote a book about the mothman phenomenon a few years ago, I think you may find it interesting.
Yep, I knew he wrote that book :)
I need to get it soon.
He's also one of the ringleaders of the festival and the new museum, which is pretty neato!