Losing snare after mastering

flhtroll i share ur problems . i find using abit more compression on the majority of the tracks or Stereo buss compression helps abit in removing the digital distortion
I am just having in issue with this plugin distorting with actual digital distortion. That is completely horrible thing. Am I doing something wrong with this plugin or is that what it does? Digital distortion should be completely unaceptable.
Are you pushing the mix way too hard? At a certain point you can't avoid clipping. So far, the Timeworks has helped me get more level prior to distortion out of everything I've done with it compared to my prior chains.
I also had that problem of disappearing snares and kicks when I was using PSP VintageWarmer to get the levels maximized. I think that's just a side effect you won't get rid of when using that particular plugin.
I recently decided to give this Timeworks plugin a try, after having my snare somewhat killed by L2 in the past. I didn't go for a huge squashing... something I guess more like Andromeda's II=I, or maybe Necrophagist's Epitaph... I consider those to be good guides to go by.

I found the snare comes through quite nicely, but I had a problem with the toms distorting. I'm guessing it happens throughout and I just can't hear it as clearly coz of everything else going on, but in this one quiet bit that's just bass and drums, the toms are clearly fucked.

I didn't really put much of an effort into trying to figure out how to fix it though. It's only a temp mix I guess.
Bringing back a very old topic (H)

Im using Slates snare and ive got it really nice until I put a limiter on the master, no matter which one I try the punch of the snare drops and im left with a Pringle top.

Im thinking its to do with the routing, snare -> drum comp (which pushes the level right up even though its turned half down) -> drum bus -> master.

Ive got a SSL on the drum comp, drum bus and on the master but they arnt slamming hard. It sounds great until I put that limiter on, if I turn the snare down to a pityful level it just dosent have it.

Also on the master:

C4 + EQ, im pretty sure the drum compression bus has something to do with it since it makes such an impact on the sound and pushes the level hard.

Well the snare track itself isnt pushing too hard so id have to clip it pretty hard for it to even start clipping however what im trying now is, bounced down the snare track put it through the usual drum comp etc then turned it down until its still got the same smack yet the limiter is pretty much doing nothing to it and im leveling pretty much everything else as quite. Ive also turned down the C4 because there was a bit much makeup gain on each band, seems to be working ok so far. Maybe ill run into problems when I want to make everything louder, im not sure.
Try some upward expansion on the snare. I know that C4 can do this. Or use a multiband compressor. Its hard since the snare drums frequency spectrum is so wide but you can find the thump or smack that you want and emphasize.
Hey guys,

There's this one mix I have, whenever I master it the snare drops wayyy back. I have no idea what to make of it, since it doesn't usually happen to me. I've cranked the snare in the mix to be audibly louder than everything else, yet the mastering compression always pulls it WAYY back, like all you can hear is the verb tail. I've also tried the other way around, lowering the snare to sit in the mix, with similar results.

Is there anything you guys do to stop the master limiter destroying your snare?

sounds like you are limiting too hard and killing the transient of the snare which is probably the most "transient" thing in your mix.
Acctualy there is a mastering tutorial thread in the production sub-forum, i've tried it out and holy smokes ! my snare is back end everything sounds so muuuch better
master with stems!!!!

if thats not an option

the gclip works nice if the mix is nice and tight and only clipping the tranisents -1db ,also try parallel processing the snare bus with the drum bus. i find the tighter i get the kick and snare to sit together the less time i have in mastering killing transients trying to bring it out a nice boost around 100-200 hz works nice to get it to sit nice with the kick.

i try to find a nice place for my snare to sit, then compress to taste on the drum bus ...during mastering i can take off about 3 to 6 db and still have the snare sound im looking for...usually in you face and full of body you feel in you chest when it hits the monitors..
Small update, im having more lucky using the gclip on my master, ive got it on the snare itself but using the gclip before the limiter has stopped the limiter fucking the snare up. Also changed the sample, got it sounding fucking nice *excuse my cockyness* with just the drums, when the bass comes in it sucks a bit of life out of it but thats not the issue here. Its really getting it loud enough so you dont just get the top end cutting through which sounds thin. So yes! Gclip worked nicely!

I dont know if im doing it the "correct" way but I guess there isnt really one as long as it sounds good.
Small update, im having more lucky using the gclip on my master, ive got it on the snare itself but using the gclip before the limiter has stopped the limiter fucking the snare up. Also changed the sample, got it sounding fucking nice *excuse my cockyness* with just the drums, when the bass comes in it sucks a bit of life out of it but thats not the issue here. Its really getting it loud enough so you dont just get the top end cutting through which sounds thin. So yes! Gclip worked nicely!

I dont know if im doing it the "correct" way but I guess there isnt really one as long as it sounds good.

try parallel processing the drum buss with the bass guitar.it should bring some life back to the bass guitar and sit the kick nice and tight with the bass.....
try parallel processing the drum buss with the bass guitar.it should bring some life back to the bass guitar and sit the kick nice and tight with the bass.....

Parallel processing the drum bus AND the bass? Ive got the kick snare and toms going through parallel compression...do you mean route the bass track into the same compression bus as the kick and snare?
mix with the limiter on so you can avoid the missing snare issue. not alot of limiting just a bit. then you are basically mixing the master kinda. it seems to work well for the snare issue though. give it a try.

mix normally, then put on a limiter set to stun, and see what happens, then adjust accordingly