
New Metal Member
Dec 17, 2006
What the hell can I do??

I could play up to somewhere near DiGiorgio speed but I havent practiced for a long time and have been confined to the basslines of a terrible metalcore band.

I've tried getting it back but it seems to be lost to eternity.

My fingers seem too tired to go fast again and I need it for the bands I'm in.

I've tried everything.
I'm sorry but... no way man, you have to build up again your hands. But this time it will be easier, if you practice hard every day you'll be ok in a couple of months. It happened the same to me and now I'm ok. Beware!!! Do not stress your hands at the begining, be quiet...
"All it takes is patience|Just a little patience| Is all you need" :p
If you really need speed quickly you must look to the darkest corners of your mind, go to the basement, remove the steelpadded lock on that big chest in the corner.. and grab...



Then again, playing with a pick needs quite a load of endurance too! So your screwed:)
But just keep working on it. Its not "lost forever". It might have gone down a bit, but you probably wont need to much to get back.
If you really need speed quickly you must look to the darkest corners of your mind, go to the basement, remove the steelpadded lock on that big chest in the corner.. and grab...



Then again, playing with a pick needs quite a load of endurance too! So your screwed:)
But just keep working on it. Its not "lost forever". It might have gone down a bit, but you probably wont need to much to get back.

Sorry but I disagree. I don't think that you can solve all your problems just by grabbing Mr. Allmighty Pick. Maybe I can't remove that "steelpadded lock", I have but respect for all those playing with a pick... but to me this seems just an easy escape from the real problem. Yes, you can use a pick and it may help you but this is not the point. You have to take you time, sit down and practice like hell 'till you reach your previous level.
And then c'mon... if you play with a pick you loose the best thing of playing the bass: to grab you instrument and feel the strings, you can touch them, you can change your touch and all those things... it's the physical side of the instrument. It doesn't matter how good you are as player your fingers will be always more sensible than a pick 'cause it's your body not and external thing you use. Ok it's harder to play with fingers than use a pick but to me the fingers way will be always the best way.
The whole arguement of "pick not being the real way" is flawed.
Guitars were designed to be played with fingers, afaik. Does that mean that people who use a pick are wrong?