Lost Highway

Hmm..it's a long time since I saw that movie...I didn't even watch it all the time, and I got it anyway :D At least I think I got it.....Anyway, the guy who rings the doorbell at the beginning, is the same guy who's life the movies is about..........hmm....something like that...Hope someone can explain better :)
Whoa... post an easy topic, why don't you?
In essence, the film is about psychogenic fugue - a mental condition whereby under conditions of extreme stress, the sufferer 'escapes' from the stressful reality into a new personality. Unfortunately, the new personality in the case of Bill Pullman's character turns out to end up under a stressful situation himself. The Lost Highway itself is a moebius strip - people travel along it on their way to a new personality, but the cyclic nature of the fugues means they never really escape their problems.
Some of the characters in the film (just to make things more complicated) aren't really characters at all - they're symbolic representations of aspects of the lead character's psyche. The Mystery Man, for instance (the weird guy in make-up) represents the truth that he can't hide from (that he really did kill his wife).
This is just the stuff I can recall off the top of my head - if you really want to know in depth what the film is about, try this website :


That should help you out!
All of these newer Lynch movies are so heavily into symbolism, and me not being a great poetic interpreter, I always find myself giving up on the analysis and retreating to an online discussion of it, whereby the movie makes more sense. I love them though, its great he can get away with making such experimental and cerebral films. Mulholland Drive makes you go insane during th elast half hour, after they open the blue box...and then you're just left slackjawed. But its a bit easier to figure than Lost Highway, which deals with a topic (see above) no ones familiar with.