Where on "Alone in the dark" is "Lost to apathy"?


Oct 14, 2005
Faculty of Science
It's on the soundtrack, so it's supposed to be somewhere in the film, at least in part. I watched the film twice (great film for its genre, by the way), but i never heard anything resembling Lost to apathy. I heard some Nightwish, though.
In Jason VS Freddy you had In Flames' "Trigger" song and if I recall correct, I stayed until the very end without hearing it...
I was actually thinking about starting a thread asking which soundtrack Dark Tranquillity was supposed to have a song on, because I remembered hearing something like that a few years ago, but never heard anything else about it again.

But now I know. Awesome.
I've found this is often the case with movies and soundtracks. It's incredibly annoying, in my opinion.

It's still better than "Pretty Handsome Awkward" in Transformers where Barricade chases Bumblebee, producers probably were like "We've GOT to have it in the movie, here's you ten tons of dollars", I was like "What the FUCK??" The song just didn't fit, I didn't see how it would.

Sometimes they put songs in trailers, not in the original movie. In any event - good way to promote... if only that wasn't Uwe... ugh, and you bash Hollywood.