LotFP is moving!

Jim LotFP

The Keeper of Metal
Jun 7, 2001
Helsinki, Finland
We went to view an apartment today, expecting it to be available as of August 1. HAHA! It was empty already, and we will be moving as of July 1.

What this means for internet access is anyone's guess. It took about a month for the internet to be hooked up here, and if it takes that long again... well... not a whole fuckin' lot I can do about it. :D

New address is on the main LotFP site.
Jim LotFP said:
We went to view an apartment today, and we will be moving as of July 1.
So is this a improvement over your old apt.? Better view? More windows? More space? Better sight lines if the heathens try to storm the Raggi household?
DBB said:
So is this a improvement over your old apt.? Better view? More windows? More space? Better sight lines if the heathens try to storm the Raggi household?

It's double the size. And three separate rooms instead of one. :) And the walk to classes in the fall will be 5 minutes instead of 60. (I'm actually not too happy about that last point because of the weight I lost going to classes these past too weeks but I'll probably feel better about it when it's -20 outside)
BenMech said:
Three seperate rooms, ehh?

You/Sanna. Teh Kittays. Ummm, anyone else?

No no no.

Me and the Kittay and the 'puter. Then Sanna and her TV. Then the kitchen.

Anyway, the internet company was contacted today. FOUR WEEKS. holy frick.

And Sanna said to start the process immediately so for all I know our access could cut off before I finish posting this message. And we begin the move Sunday.

Cobbett says he's halfway through 100 Questions and it's looking like a small book. When that is finished I'll format html in libraries or random people's houses on my laptop in order to get that posted promptly.
Man, moving SUCKS. Of course it's the day before the move and we realize we haven't done shit as far as preparation. hahahah.

Internet connection is going to go off MONDAY. Andreas, you want temp mod powers for the forum while I'm gone?