LotFP returns...


Crazy on a ship of fools
Dec 11, 2002
I just received the new LotFP in the mailbox today...

Although I am only a few pages into it, I have already laughed, cried, praised Jim, and then called him a cocksucker.

So far, it seems the most extensive, anal, thorough, accurate, infuriating, honest thing I've read about heavy metal (lest any other subject).

I absolutely love it. It's one of the best surprises I've ever pulled out of my mailbox.

For those of you that don't have a clue what I'm talking about...get your ass over to www.lotfp.com and get a fucking clue!

I'm sure I'll have more opinons to spout as I get through this mess, Jim...DAMN!...it's good to have you back, you opinionated bastard!

Rock on!
Lamentations is a great magazine. The only reason why it isnt huge is because its so brutally honest. But I think Jim would rather have one fan read his unswayed opinion than a million people read monetary influenced rants. Did that make sense? I hope it did. Im running on 3 hours of sleep in 50 hours and now Im gonna read every single archived LotFP until I pass out.
There's a small but finite chance that Jim will actually make it to ProgPower this year (before moving to fuckin' Finland "for good" later in the winter).

Be afraid.

Be very afraid.*

* this warning could apply to both PP folks and Finns, really :D
ashaman7122 said:
So far, it seems the most extensive, anal, thorough, accurate, infuriating, honest thing I've read about heavy metal (lest any other subject).



Pellaz said:
There's a small but finite chance that Jim will actually make it to ProgPower this year (before moving to fuckin' Finland "for good" later in the winter).

If people actually want to see me and Sanna there (she'll be here during the ProgPower timeframe), I need some new issue and T shirt orders, people. $200 worth should do it for two round trip Greyhound tickets. :p

Buy LotFP, because...

A- Sanna is a much better looking Finn than Aki.

B- You know you want to see Jens Johannsen's reaction when I introduce myself to him. :D
Now that I've gone through the whole thing, there is just so much to say. It would be decidely "un heavy metal" of me to start gushing like a fan-boy...so I will just say...

Fucking brilliant! Required reading for any metalhead.

Rock on!
BenMech said:
The Issue is infvriating and brvtvl. I'm still laughing and cheering through it, and I've had a copy for a good while now.

Well...if anyone is gonna be the harbinger of doom, Ben...it's gonna be you...haha!

Rock on!
Jim LotFP said:
No, that would be Reverend Bizarre.

Hey man...don't be pissing all over my thread after all the exposure I've given you...ungrateful bastard (haha!)...

How very Heavy Metal of you to do so, though...oh!...you bastard...you're still SO metal!

Rock on!
BenMech said:


I'm really glad I picked up LotFP that day I was in Impulse Music. It opened up a whole ton of bands that I'd never been exposed to. I like the honesty. I like the reviews. I don't always agree with them, but I've gotten pretty good at interpreting Jim's reviews so I know if I will like it whether or not he does. I love the interviews. Jim is pretty good at avoiding the "So. You just finished this CD. How does it feel to be done?" questions. Most of the time the interviews are really damn interesting.

Highly recommended.

A pleasant surprise in the mailbox too.
BenMech said:
I have no idea what you mean by this. I'll take it as a compliment.

You betcha! Of course it's a compliment...cuz you seem to be an instigating bastard on this forum as well...

Rock on!