Saxon Returns!

Some moments that stand out, Nigel spotting Pax and bellowing "Paxoman" as they took a bow.

Ahh fame at last! :lol:

Another funny thing happened in the hotel bar after the gig. We were talking about the 'Destiny' album, and I started asking Nigel about it, only for him to reply "I don't know, I'm not on it" :lol:

Oops sorry Nige! Well I think I was into double figures on the beer at the time, so that is my excuse! :goggly:
did you ask someone in your rottweiler-interviews :lol: if they bring the eagle often on this tour ?

(i know matjes hates this huge piece of fire-spitting monster-metal-wind-up-toy but i hope he has to assemble this very often on this tour. sorry to matjes for my last sentence :lol: )

but most people love the eagle somehow :Saint:

(me included)

I bumped into the Lighting Technician the next morning, and he said it would be the last we would be seeing of The Eagle for some time !!!

Diamond geeza ! - he gave me his Access All Areas pass for the Sheffield gig as a souvenir !! I thought he did a great job at the gig - the lighting was superb !!:rock:


This was indeed a good gig, we were all geared up for seeing Saxon.
They didnt let us down :rock:

The support band were pretty good too, from what I saw of them!

Looking forward to Download, bit miffed about the headliners, apart from Maiden :-)