lotus eater

buzz said:
-------------------------what if a centain person whom was recently m.i.a. until the other day said he has several shows on tape and 3 pay-per-views on tape including the last one they did and said person would dub them for a nogotiable fee??????? hmmmmm get ya interest???/ would ya like to see r.v.d. come out in his leg cast and fight with it on and backdrop (i think) someone named rhyno thru a table and then scream in pain???..p.s. i just got caught up on wwe(f) and hella yes it's as gay as gay can be!!!...send your address to my private messages thingy and we'll see what i can do when i get home in 3 weeks.....

i'd totally be up for that, but but money is mad toight right now....which blows ass....i wish i was swimming in $$$ :(