Love the new album!!!


New Metal Member
Oct 30, 2003
Hey all,

I decided to join the board tell everyone that I love the album! I've only listened to it twice all the way through, but I can already tell that it's a hit. The guitar work is astounding and I am really in love with the vocals.

My only complaint is the production. I wish I could hear the kick-ass drumming better. Other than that, it's an awesome album and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for a U.S. tour.

Also, I've noticed a lot of Dream Theater bashing on this board as of late and would like to say that I am a huge Dream Theater fan and I am counting the days until Nov. 11th when their new album hits. Sun Caged and Dream Theater albums within weeks of each other...does it get any better than that?

Take it easy.
Hmm, DT... I still haven't bought their 6doit because and I'm glad because I never listen to it actually. Furthermore I have all their (studio) albums and I very much like em (yes, even FII). I pre-ordered Train of Thought without having heard it ever, just because I liked the full version of As I Am... I understood it will be more :headbang: then other records, so I think this is a safe bet ;).

Bashing DT? Hmm, I bashed them a little bit (not here btw) because of the 6doit "disappointment" and 'cause I don't like Jordan Rudess (as much as the previous synth-ists) but they still are my all-time favorite band and I am looking very much forward to the concert in januari in Ahoy.

I don't think they are overrated at all :p
what makes me laugh and also disappoint me is that DT think they have the balls to play real metal stuff... they are so weak IMO, its a shame!
As I Am sounds like some music people listen to when they are lifting weigths, it is THE song when you want to work out, so ridiculous (imo of course)
Having heard the few sound clips on the internet, there's a song that sounds like an iron maiden wannabe. Even if they are 50+, the old dudes in maiden still kick more ass than DT will ever do. You're metal or you're not, it doesnt have to do with the low tuning or showing teeth...
mcoenen said:
pls ppl, talk about us instead of that *kuch* other band *kuch*

Ow yes, the new album! I think it's great, especially the up and down riffs that keeps repeating itself and gets unisono with synth and guitar at 2:55 in the song Sun Caged. That is unisono right?

Btw up = rock, down = roll, right? ;) Rock'n roll! :headbang:
Damn ! This album is great! I really like the singer. Must have been hard to find a decent singer in The Netherlands ;)

Too bad you refused to sell me your copy of the album at the Symphony X concert in Eindhoven Marcel :D