Loveable redneck speaks!


Apr 14, 2001
In the latest issue of Guitar World magazine, OZZY OSBOURNE/BLACK LABEL SOCIETY guitarist Zakk Wylde addressed the Internet rumor that he spat booze in METALLICA guitarist/vocalist James Hetfield's face when he asked to jam with Wylde.

"No, no. That's ridiculous," Wylde responded when asked if there was any truth to the rumor. "James is the shit. He is a brother and I love the guy. I just didn't think he was doing the right thing by hiring some high-price psychiatrist to work with the band after he got out of rehab.

"Here's what happened: James came on our bus and we were bullshitting. I said, 'Dude, why are you paying a psychiatrist 40 grand a month? He's raping you. Send the money to a children's cancer foundation. If I was in the band, you know what I would tell you?' And he goes 'What?' And I took a swig from my beer and spit it up in the air. And he goes 'Fuck that,' and walks off the bus. I went after him and told him I was just being a dork and that was that. I was just talking to him, being straight, because he's smarter than that. He's James Hetfield, damn it. He knows who he is and doesn't need some yahoo to tell him. It's like when Sharon Osbourne sent me to rehab a few years ago. Fuck that!"

Guitar World: What happened?

Zakk Wylde: "I just stood up and said, 'You know what? This is not for me. This is not BLACK LABEL. You guys are a bunch of losers and scamming fuckers, and I guess I'm in the wrong business. I should start the BLACK LABEL rehab and rape people 35 grand for 28 days.' The place was called Promises rehab, and I went, 'I'll make you a promise right now: I'm either going to kill someone in here or cap myself. Since suicide is not an option, someone else is going to die if I stick around.' And that was it. I jumped the fence, walked to a bar and watched the Nets and Lakers in the NBA finals."

it's hilarious... but that whole spitting beer thing makes him sound like a fuckhead... even with his own version.
He should have spat it right in Hetfields face. $40000 a week on a fucking therapist is so disgustingly immoral and pathetic I dont even know what to say. Any respect I had for Metallica is completely gone now. Someone ought to make those stupid fucks spend the day at a hospital ward so they can see where their $40000 a week should have gone. Wankers.

Imagine being in rehab with Zakk when he couldnt touch alcohol... Scary.
I just searched to make sure, its $40000 a week on 3 sites and $40000 a month on 3 sites. US dollars.

Wankers either way :)
It's not immoral though, Spawny. Maybe if they stole the money from an orphanage to pay for it then it might be immoral, or if they did favours for sailors down at the docks to raise the funds, then it might be immoral, or if they sold nyookular weapons terrorists in exchange for $40,000 a week then it might be immoral. But spending $40,000 of your own cash on something that you wanted to do, without harm to anyone else? That's not immoral.

You get too worked up about things that really, in the end, don't concern you. Take a chill pill, dawg.
Yes it is. Its beyond disgraceful and an affront to not only all the people who struggle to pay for operations their family members desperately need or struggle to keep their family clothed, but to all mankind and indeed the entire universe, including any and all aliens watching.

Its 3 rich guys who have had their ass kissed for so long they have no semblance of reality left and its both disgraceful and embarrassing that they would spend that money on something as pissweak and WASTEFUL as that.

Fuck Metallica and anyone else who spends $40000 a week/month on a therapist so they can chat to the guys they have known for 25 years.

I hope one of those aliens who are watching us kidnaps them and probes the living fuck out of them.
On the morals part, I suppose everyone has their own morality code, some people have little, some people have a lot, and this idiotic act of theirs paying that guy so they could talk to each other annoys mine in a grossly overbearing way :mad:
spawn said:
$40000 a week on a fucking therapist is so disgustingly immoral and pathetic I dont even know what to say. Any respect I had for Metallica is completely gone now. Someone ought to make those stupid fucks spend the day at a hospital ward so they can see where their $40000 a week should have gone. Wankers.

Spiff said:
spending $40,000 of your own cash on something that you wanted to do, without harm to anyone else? That's not immoral.

You get too worked up about things that really, in the end, don't concern you. Take a chill pill, dawg.
I agree with Spiffo very muchly. People are getting too worked up about what Metallica did with the therapist. Other celebs spend more money on more dumb shit all the time, but no-one cares. It is just trendy and easy to bag out Metallica. If it wasn't for the therapist, the band would likely have broken up, and that is something I wouldn't want, so I think they did the right thing. It isn't like the guys didn't get along either, it was just the strain on their relationships and such from all those years of working together and trying to be friends at the same time. I think it all makes a lot of sense.
Its not because its Metallica, if any other band, or indeed person spent $40000 a week/month on a fucking "therapist" just so they could learn to TALK TO ONE ANOTHER then they get the same scorn from me as Metallica. It was disgraceful this morning, and you bet its still disgraceful now.
How many other bands have done the same thing, but not featured in a documentary while it was taking place? *ahem* ...Bon Jovi. But the real question is, who's more immoral? A band/person spending 40 grand a week on therapy, or a therapist charging that much?
Well Bon Jovi can fuck off *if* they spent that much as well.

Id charge $40000 a week to do my job. But I cant. Because I live in the real world. Unlike people who pay that amount for "therapy".
I don't know if Bon Jovi spent that much, but you can guarantee it wasn't a small amount. When you're a multi-millionaire, you can pretty much do whatever you like. The thing is, Metallica aren't the only celebrities who spend enormous amounts of money on things like therapy, they just happened to tell the whole world about it.
Anyone, ANYONE, who spends THAT much on therapy like that should go jump off a cliff because they obviously have no fucking idea what real problems are if they can afford that and still think they cant "function".
I think it's funny at the end of SKOM how that therapist cunt is trying to tell them not to fire them and shit, and James is just telling him it's over man :lol:

While it is stupid that sorta money was spent, that is totally their decision, mind you if I had that sort o cash to piss away it wouldn't be going in that direction, fuck the stupid therapist, punch the dopey prick out for trying to tell me how I feel, and go get another beer. :loco:

are you still here?? I said fuck off and get me a beer