Loveable redneck speaks!

Which is even worse. Imagine being that far from reality that you think its chump change to spend that much so you can chat to people you have known for 25 years.
It isn't like they paid that much because they needed a mediator to speak to each other. The guy helped them get through things that they couldn't do on their own, which is fair enough. It happens on a smaller scale all the time.

Also, being employed by Metallica, you know they can afford it, so anyone they employed to be their on call therapist would have charged a fuckload.
spawn said:
Anyone, ANYONE, who spends THAT much on therapy like that should go jump off a cliff because they obviously have no fucking idea what real problems are if they can afford that and still think they cant "function".

This coming from the most [size=-1]frivolous [/size]spender on this board.:rolleyes:

Once again, Spawny's hypocrisy strikes again.
Who cares, if they weren't spending 40 grand a week on that therapist, James probably would have spent it on booze, Kirk would have spent it on hats and horse blankets and Lars probably would have spent it on more 'investment' art and hair dye.

They should have put stickers on their merch.
'$1 from every CD bought will go directly to the Help Keep Metallica Together fund'
No Koich, you fool, I dont spend hundreds of thousands of US dollars on therapy so I can talk to my friends. Can you see the difference? You probably cant.
My point is, you waste money, they waste money, pot, kettle black.

They spend 40,000 to talk to their friend, you spen 400 on cd's because you have no friends to talk to. I think you should pay 40,000 for a therapist to find out why this is.
I'll explain this to you in a more direct and clearer fashion, due to you being a dumbfuck and all.

Money is subjective, I think you waste money, you don't. You think they waste money, they don't. The more money you have, the more can afford to piss away and useless items like therapy or cd's.

They have lots of money, 40,000 isn't alot to them. You have more money than I do, $300 on cd's is massive waste to me.

see my point?
No, you dont understand. I am saying all that money on a THERAPIST SO THEY CAN TALK TO EACH OTHER is a waste of money. Hundreds of thousands of dollars just because their little fucking egos needed to be calmed down. Its fucking disgraceful that they are so far removed from reality that they think they "needed" to spend it on him or else they wouldnt be a band. What a fucking joke.

What part of that dont you understand?
You are never going to understand each other because you are talking about a specific example and Koich is talking about the same thing but it in a relative sense.

That will be $40,000 please.

Exactly. A person who says that someone who needs to spend money on therapy (no matter how much) should just jump off a cliff is a sad, sad person indeed.

And Koichi's right, Spawn. I was going to post the same thing but knew you'd say, "but I'm not spending $40,000!"
All goes to show that Metallica's bargaining skills are fucking atrocious. Surely they could have found someone else for $20,000 and given the other $20,000 to charity? I guess that's not very likely though.
Why thank you Mark, I have been working on it for some time. I was wondering when someone would notice that I have grown a goatee, as well as moving north to front the most awesome power metal band ever, taking the world by storm and simultaneously wowing fans and jealous contemporaries alike.

While that is a noble thought Winmar, it is not something that is likely to enter into many people's mindsets. Most people won't go shopping for a t-shirt and find one they like for thirty bucks, and then go to a different shop, get a $15 one and donate the rest.

I guess Metallica essentially wanted to keep their business together, and they found the person they thought most qualified to do that and paid accordingly.

Where is the difference in a therapist, corporate mediator or a QC charging $10,000 a day? The best ones all do it because they can, because people will pay.
It was $40,000 a month, for a start. Professional football teams use guys like him all the time, and pay waaaaaaaay more than that. Plus, he was on-call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for TWO YEARS! How much do you think that would cost? A regular therapist can charge $200 an hour for a consultation in their office. Yes, it's a vast amount of money, but Metallica is a multi-million dollar business, so spending $2 million on therapy to keep it from going under is a pretty solid investment if you ask me.