Loveable redneck speaks!

I have really enjoyed this thread.......................... the major reason why I did'nt go to M4TB as i could not afford was after the first week of school and the 3 boys all needed new school books and stuff even though they go to a public school, So I could not justify the $100 or so dollars that i would spend, cause I now I would have probably spend more than that on the day, Ticket $55 I think , Food $10, Dungeon stuff $60 or so and the biggie $50 to $100 on beers hahhahha .As you know I like a beer or several. So its all relative, a small amount may be a be a large amount to someone else.
As to buying CDs we all like our music but I have found over the years and I think we will all agree we all like a bargin as well, so if Spawn buys CD's from Amazon @ $17 bucks a pop (USD???) good luck to him , some of us frequent the cash converters and the like and grab a bargin........... As for Metallica well good luck to them they earn the suff so they can spend it how they like , that my 50 cents worth ..........or is that too much...................More you have the more you spend................:headbang:
Some good points on both sides - interesting argument!

Before I left Indonesia I bought leather boots and a leather jacket. What I spent would have cost my sister-in-law a month or so to earn. Made me feel pretty bad when I thought about it.
Very perceptive - I am a nice bloke. Hehe ;) You could introduce me to her, but I'm not sure that my wife would like it! :)