Low-End Budget Recording/Acoustic Treatment Tips?


Sep 18, 2009
Greensboro, North Carolina
I'm turning my walk-in closet into a place where I can practice saxophone. Thats the primary purpose.

I'm also thinking about possibly turning it into a cheap recording booth for the sax but its not mandatory. We have a quality booth at our campus but I don't want to drive 40 minutes to get there and 40 minutes back if I can get a "decent" recording in my closet.

Any tips/recommendations for things I can do to improve my recording regarding bass traps or if I should just use blankets etc? I can upload a picture of the closet once its cleaned out. Remember this is just for Saxophone. Vocals I'll just stick with the booth we got at campus.

If anything how bout some tips on just to make my room more sound proof so that I'm not disturbing the rest of the family and I can possibly practice after midnight