Ltd problems again!!!!!


Apr 15, 2008
Well the battle goes on.After those awful klank noise,the guys from the store realized that there is nothing that they can do about it so they gave me another guitar.Besides some imperfections regarding the body paint guitar sounded well until...:err:
Until i noticed some...hmm how shall i say it WEE WEE sounds when I`m playing palm muting on 5th string.I changed the string with some old one hoping that this would be a case of a bad string but nothing significantly changed.So i took it back to the store(for the 3rd time).Just got call from the guy saying to me that this can not be qualified as malfunction it`s just the way it is.This parallel sound stops immediately after you put the finger somwhere between the nut and tuner,but since I can`t have someone to hold a finger every time i play this solution is unacceptable.:)
So what advice can you give me?I was planning to pickup the guitar today but i decided to wait for some advice.I know that guys from the store are going to tell me stories that this is normal for all guitars with pointed headstock(is it?) but common:err: I bought a new guitar paid 750 euros for it(believe it or not this is relatively big money in my country where world economic crises did not start,in fact it never stopped:lol:) and now I have to put some rubber band over my strings just to avoid wee wee sound.
Well the battle goes on.After those awful klank noise,the guys from the store realized that there is nothing that they can do about it so they gave me another guitar.Besides some imperfections regarding the body paint guitar sounded well until...:err:
Until i noticed some...hmm how shall i say it WEE WEE sounds when I`m playing palm muting on 5th string.I changed the string with some old one hoping that this would be a case of a bad string but nothing significantly changed.So i took it back to the store(for the 3rd time).Just got call from the guy saying to me that this can not be qualified as malfunction it`s just the way it is.This parallel sound stops immediately after you put the finger somwhere between the nut and tuner,but since I can`t have someone to hold a finger every time i play this solution is unacceptable.:)
So what advice can you give me?I was planning to pickup the guitar today but i decided to wait for some advice.I know that guys from the store are going to tell me stories that this is normal for all guitars with pointed headstock(is it?) but common:err: I bought a new guitar paid 750 euros for it(believe it or not this is relatively big money in my country where world economic crises did not start,in fact it never stopped:lol:) and now I have to put some rubber band over my strings just to avoid wee wee sound.

I've got the same guitar, and I don't have any problems whatsoever. That weewee sound might be solved though if you tighten the string retainer a bit, that bar between the nut and the tuners. What you could also do it first lift that up a bit, stick the rubber band under the retainer, and tighten it like that. That should mute the strings like a champ.

From my experience though, LTD's are pretty inferior to Schecters. I've owned several LTD's and severl Schecters...and the Schecters always won out in sound and quality. If you have the option, I would suggest you return that guitar, and look for a similar priced schecter or jackson.


schecter c1 classic
This is the best sounding guitar I own...I swapped out the stock (great rock!) pickups for some EMGs.

Schecter hellraiser
amazing guitar, but the abalone and slightly fatter neck might put you off.

hellraiser without the abalone

Blackout ATX FR
Its got blackouts, OFR and its only 777, I mean come on....this would be my choise of guitar today. I would totally have gotten this instead of my MH-400 if it had been out when I needed a new guitar.

Blackout ATX
like the FR, but without the FR:D costs less too
Just take the guitar to a good tech, maybe the guitar just needs some proper adjusting here and there. Might be also that the string itself is fucked, happens from time to time.
@MarkG:Thanks for the quick reply.I believe that you own(correct me if I`m wrong)floyd rose version of the same guitar.Therefore there is no string retainer on mine.Anyway thanks for the advice:kickass:.The thing is that I dont want to put any rubber bands anywhere I would like to think that i bought a new guitar that only needs proper set up:)but I guess this a Science fiction in this part of the world.I was actually thinking of buying a schecter but at the time none of the music shops in the area sold it.Now we have one that does i tried one and if i had money i would immediately buy it.Thanks for the suggestions.
@Lasse:So what you`re saying that this normal?And that I should just take it as it is?I usually put a hairband on 1st fret when I`m recording a solo,never put it on headstock.:headbang:
@xFkx:the guy from the store I bought it is actually a very good guit tech,but his only problem maybe is that he is the guy from the store
yep, totally normal...on some guitars it's stronger, on some's not a question of quality.
the headtock-bit-o-string ring like crazy on my Customshop MII.
it's totally normal how much they ring depends on your tuning and stringgauge etc (resonance frequencies) you can just loosen the stringtension behind the nut a bit after the strings have been clamped doen with the locking is to just put a hairband or piece of tissue there...I never take it of...every bit helps..
I also have the springs in the trem cavity dampened with some tp on all my guitars.
Thanks for the quick reply.I believe that you own(correct me if I`m wrong)floyd rose version of the same guitar.Therfore there is no string retainer on mine.Anyway thanks for the advice:kickass:.The thing is that I dont want to put any rubber bands anywhere I would like to think that i bought a new guitar that only needs proper set up:)but I guess this a Science fiction in this part of the world.I was actually thinking of buying a schecter but at the time none of the music shops in the area sold it.Now we have one that does i tried one and if i had money i would immediately buy it.Thanks for the suggestions.
@Lasse:So what you`re saying that this normal?And that I should just take it as it is?I usually put a hairband on 1st fret when I`m recording a solo,never put it on headstock.:headbang:
@xFkx:the guy from the store I bought it is actually a very good guit tech,but his only problem maybe is that he is the guy from the store
Thanks for the quick reply.I believe that you own(correct me if I`m wrong)floyd rose version of the same guitar.Therfore there is no string retainer on mine.Anyway thanks for the advice:kickass:.The thing is that I dont want to put any rubber bands anywhere I would like to think that i bought a new guitar that only needs proper set up:)but I guess this a Science fiction in this part of the world.I was actually thinking of buying a schecter but at the time none of the music shops in the area sold it.Now we have one that does i tried one and if i had money i would immediately buy it.Thanks for the suggestions.
@Lasse:So what you`re saying that this normal?And that I should just take it as it is?I usually put a hairband on 1st fret when I`m recording a solo,never put it on headstock.:headbang:
@xFkx:the guy from the store I bought it is actually a very good guit tech,but his only problem maybe is that he is the guy from the store

Strange, I don't get any weird noises on my guitars. I do use heavy string gauges though, so that might play a big factor. And yes sorry, I do have the FR version. My bad:D

Where do you live? I'd just order from thomann or can always send it back if its not working the way you want it.


Check out the gear on sale thread just below this one...pretty cool guitar for sale there
Dude, you bought an imported guitar. There is ALWAYS room for something wrong when you do. Thats why we either put up with things, take them to a tech, or just do something to go around small shit like that. Back 10 years ago, when I bought my Ibanez JS100, I thought the same thing of my guitar when I was having retarded-ignorant tuning problems. End result: had a guy put an original floyd rose in it for me. Some guitars, regardless of you buying it new or how much you paid, are going to have problems inherent. I'd be pretty sure the guys at the store qualified your instrument to not be defective based on thier not wanting to deal with you anymore...they don't get paid to send guitars back and forth to the manufacturers again and again, it's lost profit.

Every one of my guitars is an import, and there is something wrong with every one of them to the point where I deal with it or did something to get past it. I'd like to think I'm not the only one.

I think you are misunderstanding the hair-tie some research, look for some pictures. Damn near every guitar Dino Cazares owns has a stick of grey foam under the strings between the nut and the tuning pegs, and it's probably for the same reason you are describing.
No problems.10`s on mine.I`m getting used to it.I`ve been playing 9`s all my life(WUSSY)And yes it is strange.I`m begining to think that there is something wrong with me hahaha.I bought a shirt,washed it and it became smaller,I bought a jacket,wore it for some time,washed it and got some stains on it.WTF is goin` on?:mad:
Where do you live? I'd just order from thomann or can always send it back if its not working the way you want it.


Check out the gear on sale thread just below this one...pretty cool guitar for sale there[/QUOTE]
I live in a Republic of Srpska(one of two entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina) and I dont think that Thomann sends stuff to this part of the world and even if they do i believe that shipping costs would be pretty high since i live in a joke of a country.And yes that Washburn looks pretty cool.I wanted to buy a Washburn guitar actually(WI66PRO)but then they got LTD`s that sounded more metal to me.
Anyway i got the guitar back from the shop.The guy who works there told me that every LTD that is using earvana nut has this or similar problem(he told me something about materials that these are made of)
This was something that even he wasn`t aware of.So i guess the way of the hair tie is the way of truth for me this time.I should concetrate more on playing in future.It`s been 4 years since i actually sat down and practiced.
So big thumbs up for the guys from the "Artist" music shop they have proven themselfs as real professionals.And if you ever accidentally end up(by the means of higher force or just bud luck)in this part of the world this the place to go if you need something regarding your axe.
Thank you all for your time and assitance.:headbang:
Doesn't matter the nut you use, earvana or graphite, bone, etc. Just make sure you take it to a tech to make sure that the string rests equally on the front side of the nut as it does the rear side of the nut. Someone who is used to nut files will be able to help you out. The bad side to this is that sometimes when the string rests perfectly equal on the front side as it does on the rear side of the nut, it will make the chime more loud. Lasse has the best advise, use a hair tie. Just make sure that you have the best seating for your sting at the nut as you can, it greatly helps intonation, but use a hair tie when recording. If their is any question, palm mute, then strike the string between the nut and key to hear which one is the culprit. Hair tie!
Dude, I think there was a thread about this problem a while back. Every guitar I own has a small rectangular piece of grey foam (like the stuff that EMG's come wrapped in) beneath the strings behind the nut. It's like automatic. I expect guitars to make that noise when I'm using a lot of distortion. It's totally normal, unless theres some world of perfect guitars I've never discovered. Doesn't look weird or anything either.
I think I know this problem... the string length behind the nut just happens to be right at the resonance frequency to start ringing during palm mutes.
Out of all my Jacksons only one does this, it's the JacksonStars NASL which has a unique 3x3 headstock and therefore different string lengths between nut and tuner.

Solution: Find the ringing string, put a bit of adhesive tape around it (transparent if you got some, so it's invisible from the distance). No more WEE WEE.
I think I know this problem... the string length behind the nut just happens to be right at the resonance frequency to start ringing during palm mutes.
Exactly that.:kickass:I ve been busy painting the room today but hair tie or adhesive tape will be applied on the bitch tomorrow.Thanks.