
Nov 9, 2005
New-Brunswick, Canada
I just bought the Liquid Tension Experiment 2 CD and I really really like it. I just want to know if the first one is just as good before I purchase it.

And if you have the time, I'd appreciate it if you could reccomend me some other kickass prog bands. I don't care if it's instrumental or not. Thanks!
you wont have any regrets if you purchase the first LTE CD, i promise you this. the first one is a bit more improvised than the second and generally i think the songs are quicker to get into than the second. anyway, just get it :p
rockyracoon said:
Tough call, but I'd say the first is better.

I've read that LTE, or basically Portnoy, has no real desire to ever do an LTE 3. That sucks. I would love another installment.

Well why not just make another Dream Theater album...3 of the 4 instrumental members of DT were in LTE...
MrFast said:
I'd appreciate it if you could reccomend me some other kickass prog bands. I don't care if it's instrumental or not. Thanks!

Pain of Salvation
7 for 4
rockyracoon said:
Tough call, but I'd say the first is better.

I've read that LTE, or basically Portnoy, has no real desire to ever do an LTE 3. That sucks. I would love another installment.

Actually, in one of the interviews that Portnoy did with the official DT fanclub magazine (which isn't made anymore if my memory serves me correctly), he said that they did record songs for LTE3. The problem is that Magna Carta lost all the master tapes. But anyway, he had no desire I guess to rerecord them or anything so it all went to waste.