Help Need to find more bands

Sorry, you said that in your first post. My bad...

You said you don't like nightwish. What are your reasons for not liking them?
I don't like them ether, but i don't know why...

Ok Im probably gonna get a lota shit for this but i cant stand the vocals ,For some reson id rather hear Amy from evenesence with them im into all kinds of music and to me her opra like voice sounds to fake. I would rather hear Amy from evenesence with them
The new singer isn't too bad but kinda boring

Some of the music is very good but seems to go in the same direction at one time or another in each song
Try the new one, Dark Passion Play. Tarja (the original singer) is history. Annette sounds kind of pop-ish, but she CAN sing, and the music is pretty heavy. THis coming from a previous NW hater......
Try the new one, Dark Passion Play. Tarja (the original singer) is history. Annette sounds kind of pop-ish, but she CAN sing, and the music is pretty heavy. THis coming from a previous NW hater......

Agreed. Dark Passion Play is worth checking out even if you hate Tarja-era Nightwish. They're like a new band... the music and songwriting is better, and the vocals are far more refreshing than Tarja's mousy wails.
Koyaanisqatsy are incredible,prog meets classical instrumental band from Germany,these guys are INCREDIBLE musicians:notworthy

just a quik reponce to your last and thanks

# for ones im gonna check out
kamelot - Like em
vision divine - Not bad
angra- Not crazy about em
nightwish - Hate em sorry guys
wintersun- like some of the music not the vocal
ark - like some of there stuff alot loke the vocals alot
conception - Have to pass on them , Did't hit me at all
vandan plas - Like em alot
wuthering heights - Very interesting I liked the vocals alot and i like how they use the Irish music
eluveitie - #
circus maximus - Love em
axenstar - #
sigh - #
protest the hero - #
mechanical poet - #
koyaanisquatsy - #
sonata arctica - Liked what little ive heard
diabalo swing orchestra - #
unexpect - #
into eternity - #
evergrey - like em not all there stuff but i like em
adagio - I like most of what ive heard

Ill try to update this as i check out the ones i hen't heard yet
Thanks again
Those guys of Spheric Universe Experience should finally post the lyrics of their latest album online! I'd finally like to know what that guy is singing in the chorus of "innerquest"... :D

I don't know what bands to add man...
Apocalyptica, Devin Townsend, Tool, Ayreon, Porcupine Tree, Rush,...
EDIT: how could I forget Akin:

And of course Opeth and The Project Hate MCMXCIX, but these are Death metal bands, I don't know if that will be your thing ;-)

DCB said:
Agreed. Dark Passion Play is worth checking out even if you hate Tarja-era Nightwish. They're like a new band... the music and songwriting is better, and the vocals are far more refreshing than Tarja's mousy wails.
Yes, I agree, that new girl's voice is pretty good. But they should get rid of the vocals of that bassist. He sucks! Man...
Gamalon I used to listen to them when they first came out liked em alot

Porcupine Tree (Feel the same way as your original post ) is good but sometimes too mellow or atmospheric for me, but when they kick into a groove its great stuff

Circus Maximus - I Friggin love em
Evergrey - I like em not crazy about em
Pain of Slivation - Not a big fan
Gamma Ray - I lke some of what of heard
Edguy - have to say nay on this one
Kamelot - another one that goes way back for me alot of great stuff and alot of not so great I love there latest tho
Fates Warning - Some good old stuff i agree
Iced Earth - I like them a little to speedy double bass from what little ive heard

Unfortunatly im not finding anything lately besides cirsus maximus , spheric universe that has got my attention as much as id like

You have alot of the same taste and methods of changeing the music you listen too thats cool to hear

Well I'll tell ya, when I first read your origional post I was going to say... Good Luck :erk: If your a Dream Theater and Symphony X fan that goes back years, its kinda hard to be overly enthoused with the following in this type of music. But here you sit, having worn the hell out of all those CD's and your a bit hungry, so you search and try this and that, speaking for myself I still fall back on what got me excited in the first place. So it seems when I diversify most music that interests me might be from a totally different style. But I decided to bite my tongue for a change and let other people give good advise.

I had a handful of old Nightwish songs laying around for awile and they all bit the dust during one of my clean up sprees along with Epica and a few PoS... but I did keep a few PoS. So went some more typical power metal songs/bands..... gone, not interested, heard it before and bored me the first time through.

I'm pleasently surprised to hear of someone that actually heard of Gamalon let alone listened to them in the beginning, that was the late 80's.

I have found it interesting that I connect to the East Coast bands the most. Something that only dawned on me about 2 years ago when I realized all my favorite music came primarily from the East Coast. The exception to this being Queensryche and a handfull of British bands. Must be the Limey in me ? Which reminds me Shadow Gallery is also on my list, I like what I've heard and they are another East Coast band.
l could give a bunch of prog metal suggestions here...some still kicking, some not...but l'll keep it to bands that are currently viable.

Redemption - Ray Alder from Fates Warning on vocals. Yeah they're with Intromental...l'm not butthurt ;)
Poverty's No Crime - Classic prog metal...l'm not so impressed with their newest release, but still good.
Darkwater - Band hit me out of leftfield...their debut effort kills...get it.

Thanks checked out Darkwater and Im diggen it and also had my buddy at work who Ive been getting to listen to new things , loved it too