
Become The Catalyst
Jan 22, 2009
I'd like to find out more bands to listen to. But I'd also like to keep it in the genre that I listen to. Some would call it 'deathcore', but I don't really like using subgenres..

Does anyone know any bands that follow this sort of criteria?

1) Vocalist doesn't stay with one style of growl. At least 3 different types lol (like Winds of Plague or Eyes of a Traitor)
2) Technical guitar, heavy riffs with background melody type shiznitch, like the song Anthems of the Apocalypse by Winds of Plague.
3) ENOUGH WITH THE f***ING BLAST BEATS, they are annoying and there are only a couple bands that can pull them off. I hate excessive blast beats, and gravity beats as well. So...minimal BB's and GB's.
4) At least a good bassist lol.
:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: first part, no comment

second part, actually, they follow the criteria exactly, the 4 things you laid out. If you really want to enjoy more music, try and broaden your horizons. But I understand that doesn't come easy coming from deathcore. :lol::goggly:
BAHAHA. Well, the thing is that I like technical guitar. Not constant bull shit power chord crap lol. I also don't really like using sub-genres, they piss me off. So maybe I used the wrong one or presented my question in a wrong way. Do you know any bands that are similar to Winds of Plague and The Eyes of a Traitor??
OCI's recs don't sound much like the bands you mentioned. Still, he's trying to help you out, and he went out of his way to proffer some nice youtube links for you, so reacting like a bossy little cunt was pretty lame of you. Neither of those bands are terrible, they just aren't suited to your tastes, apparently.

Also, with the deathcore thing, OCI's not complaining about your wording, he's pointing out that the type of music you like (or at least all the bands you mentioned) fall into the category of deathcore, which is mostly really really shitty.

Anyway, see if you like Heaven Shall Burn. Their vocals aren't very varied, but they sound kind of like those bands you mentioned, except with much larger testicles:

Also, more in line with the letter of your initial rec (but sounding less like the bands you mention), a truly classic Carcass number, off of Necrotism. You might also like their "Heartwork" album. You probably would not enjoy the others.

I sort of don't expect you to like those since you appear to have shit taste, but if you do, congrats.

edit: you also might be interested in Anaal Nathrak's latest album, "Hell Is Empty and All The Devils Are Here." They use many vocal styles and are legitimately both brutal and catchy.
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That Heaven Shall Burn thing was way more badass than I expected after seeing them live...

For deathcore with tech leanings the Faceless and As Blood Runs Black. Or you could do yourself a favor and just listen to The Black Dahlia Murder.
never seen I'm live, I got into them with a listen to their latest, and they haven't been touring on my side of the ocean since : /