Help Need to find more bands

Into Eternity - Was this the same band that played with Symphony X in the US? The one with the chick singer who was hot but who wasn't very diverse in her vocal style? Yeah... I didn't really like them too much.
Nope, that would be Echoes Of Eternity (with the metal Britney Spears :))...Into Eternity has both clean and growly male vocalists.
Yeah and Detective Clarence Beauregard hasn't really even listened to the Wintersun album.

Facts are:
-The first two songs are the worst
-The album gets more epic and the songs get longer as the album progresses
-Jari is underrated guitarist
-Kai Hahto is more precise than a drum machine
-The next album is going to be amazing
-I could go on with the listing for too long
Here's my two cents on some bands mentioned in this thread, if anyone cares.

Everyone should care.


* Adagio - One of my favorite bands. All of their albums are made of epic neoclassical win. Franck Hermany is one of my bass heroes. Those wacky Frenchmen!
* Angra - Pretty bland if I remember correctly. It's been a while, though, and I've only heard one album.
* Beyond Twilight - Above average. I liked the album that was like one song in 40 tracks.
* Biomechanical - Great name, not so great band. Just standard generic metal. Empires was decent; the mix on Cannibalised turned me off after 20 seconds of the first song. No offense, korrpution. Spelled with a K, too. Every word that starts in C is always more badass when spelled with a K. Like Mortal Kombat. Or Kamelot.
* Black Label Society - Excellent progressive metal! The guitar and keyboard unisons are amazing! The vocalist has an incredibly wide range, too!
* Circus Maximus - Everyone knows that they are excellent. One of my favorite bands.
* Evergrey - Kind of boring if I remember correctly. I think I saw them live once and was turned off.
* Into Eternity - Was this the same band that played with Symphony X in the US? The one with the chick singer who was hot but who wasn't very diverse in her vocal style? Yeah... I didn't really like them too much.
* Nevermore - I've "never" listened to them. Haha I made a pun. Kind of. Yeah it was bad. What albums/songs do you all recommend? I know Jeff Loomis is a crazy shredder.
* Nightingale - I dig it, and I've only heard a few songs from White Darkness. Can't wait to listen to more!
* Pagan's Mind - If I remember correctly, I didn't really like the vocals. The music was good, though.
* Pain of Salvation - Good, but not my cup of tea. It's been a while since I've listened to them, though. Anyone recommend... say... the five best PoS songs?
* Porcupine Tree - Good. A bit too mellow and boring for my tastes, though.
* Savatage - Great band... big fan of Al Pitrelli. I recommend Dead Winter Dead or Poets and Madmen.
* Seventh Wonder - I've only heard a few songs (Star of David, Taint the Sky), and I really dig them! Can't wait to hear the rest!
* Therion - Good stuff, and very unique. Nightwish's dramatics with Opeth's atmosphere. I love Lemuria/Sirius, and Gothic is good, too.
* Threshold - Great band. I like most of Hypothetical, Subsurface, and Dead Reckoning. Ravages of Time is easily my favorite song.
* Time Requiem - First two albums have a better vocalist, but Optical Illusion has better music. A bit too drawn out and cheesy at times, but overall good stuff (considering it's heavily influenced by early Symphony X).
* Wintersun - Standard generic power metal with constant double bass (at the same tempo) and little variety. Couldn't take any more than two songs.
* Zero Hour - Couldn't really get into them. Average at best.

I have yet to conduct an experiment with Andromeda, Anthropia, Cloudscape, Frantic Bleep (what a ridiculous name!), Swallow the Sun, and Vanden Plas. I'll get back to you all with my findings, though. My hypothesis is that Andromeda and Vanden Plas will be good, Cloudscape will be average, Anthropia will sound like an Adagio rip off, Swallow the Sun will be horrible, and Frantic Bleep (I can't get over that name!) will be less interesting than a pile of dog feces, simply because Zach recommended them.


Who's "korrpution"?

This started off as a recommendation thread for the poster, suddenly it's becoming a "no fuck that band, this band is better so NYAH!"
Oh by the way, here's another recommendation for the thread starter: Leverage. Check out their album "Tides", they're working on a new one but frankly it sounds like shit so far. :D
l could give a bunch of prog metal suggestions here...some still kicking, some not...but l'll keep it to bands that are currently viable.

Redemption - Ray Alder from Fates Warning on vocals. Yeah they're with Intromental...l'm not butthurt ;)
Poverty's No Crime - Classic prog metal...l'm not so impressed with their newest release, but still good.
Darkwater - Band hit me out of leftfield...their debut effort kills...get it.
Not really prog, but Slough Feg is great if you haven't checked them out too. Really kick ass metal. Seems like everyone who hears them falls in love to some degree... and by that the only thing negative that i've ever heard about them was "This album isn't quite as amazing as their other albums". No joke.
Anathema - A Natural Disaster
Alarum - Eventuality...
Control Denied
Disillusion - Back to Times of Splendor
Green Carnation - The Accoustic Verses and Light Of Day, Day of Darkness are awesome
Oceansize - Everybody Into Position
Orphaned Land
Sieges Even - The Art of Navigating by The Stars
Wastefall - Soulrain 21

Stuff with predominantly harsh vocals:
Death - Symbolic, The Sound of Perseverance
Edge Of Sanity - Crimson I/II, Purgatory Afterglow
Enslaved - Isa, Ruun
Lykathea Aflame
Quo Vadis (The Canadian one)
Remember, I said check out Leverage's album "Tides", not their upcoming album "Blind Fire". Holy fuck what a boring shit mess! *walks away very disappointed* :(
Not really prog, but Slough Feg is great if you haven't checked them out too. Really kick ass metal. Seems like everyone who hears them falls in love to some degree... and by that the only thing negative that i've ever heard about them was "This album isn't quite as amazing as their other albums". No joke.


The other band that these people are in called Hammers of Misfortune is also very good and is highly recomended...
what would be a good therion album to start on? im into the more epic symphony X songs. im into Opeth, mostly their accoustic stuff, tried to get into nevermore, thought they were pretty generic, didnt like the singing either, tried to get into wintersun, i liked their melodies, they over did it on the double bass kicks though, and their singing was a bit abbrasive to me
As stated by Iced Dog, Into Eternity is not to be mistaken with Echoes of Eternity;however, it is a coincedence that Echoes of Eternity opened for SyX on their recent NA tour and now Into Eternity will be opening for them on the upcoming NA tour. I must make sure and see them this time!

@ whoever mentioned Darkwater

I was going to mention them but for some reason didn't. They didn't blow my mind away or anything but their debut, "Calling the Earth to Witness", was still pretty impressive for a debut album. I can tell they have potential and hope that they can up the ante with their next release.
what would be a good therion album to start on? im into the more epic symphony X songs. im into Opeth, mostly their accoustic stuff, tried to get into nevermore, thought they were pretty generic, didnt like the singing either, tried to get into wintersun, i liked their melodies, they over did it on the double bass kicks though, and their singing was a bit abbrasive to me

If your into epic try out Therion's double album "Lemuria/Sirius B". The vocals on these albums are mostly made up of female operatics and choirs, quite interesting.
Please Don't judge Nevermore on their myspace. the songs on their myspace are some of their worst. try downloading a fewe from itunes. songs like "Born", "The Psalm of Lydia", "Sentient 6", "This Godless Endeavor", "The Riverdragon has Come", "Enemies of Reality", and "No More Will",
Yeah and Detective Clarence Beauregard hasn't really even listened to the Wintersun album.

Facts are:
-The first two songs are the worst
I really like the first only complaints are on Winter Madness and Battle Against Time, those two are bit frantic and blastbeaty for my taste, but the rest is pure win.