Ludwig Snare Samples - A free .tci for you

And, before I forget, I wanted to thank Charlez for posting the tune using the new snares! Very very cool! I am not sure how much time you spent but it is rock-solid and just flat-out kicking it!

Anyone else mind sharing any finished (or, even unfinished!) mixes?
Xes - yes. All samples are a stereo mix - top, bottom, overheads and a touch of room.

Were you looking for samples that have individual samples to mix, getting multiple tracks to play with?
You have a lot of very nice samples and a great variety of flavours, good work! I'd definitely consider buying some when I'm not broke (just bought some mics/cables/etc :saint:)
Shadow - thanks for the kind words. And, that is the key word - flavour! We are all tone chasers in the end, whether it is guitar, bass, drums, or anything else.

As far as being broke, no sweat. Email us at and we'll get you some stuff to work with. Use it and share it - that's always worth something.