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Apr 11, 2002
Where you live
OK, I just had this fancy ass lunch that was catered in at our place of work. They have these rooms onsite (that are named for old rich people, I guess) where they have lunches catered by Aramark, so they can save time and have quiet onsite meetings and crap. Me and like 5 other newly hired people went to this one with the big cheese from IT.

And of course, the half-deaf woman in the cube next to me went.
Periodically throughout the lunch, someone would say something and the rest of the table would comment on it (you know- conversation); then, 30 seconds after the conversation ceased, said woman would bring it up again like it were a new topic- she just didn't hear word one of what was discussed. It was like the rest of the table was on one level of discussion and she was in a different dimension, speaking of things that only come up in her little world.

I had salmon and a salad. num num.

She should die.