
wires have inherent resistance but for all intents and purposes, the signal travels at the speed of light. thusly, you could string one speaker wire around the earth and the other just a couple feet from your amp and the signal would arrive at the same time.
i have to call in to question the whole Monster Cable philosophy. the receiver sends only one type of signal - not like the component video signals where one is divided into three. seems like as long as you had a copper wire with some plastic insulation, the signal would reach the speaker without problems.
my question would be: is the cone of the speaker broken?
in regards to erics problem. Try swapping the speakers. Try swapping the speaker cables. If either of those solves the problem, you know its either speaker/cable, if its neither, its the amp.
FACT: buying expensive speaker cables is a COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY

it's just fucking copper!!! and the voltages are high enough that "DOUBLE INSULATION" and other marketing bullshit like that doesn't do shit to improve the quality!
Conspicuously Absent said:
in regards to erics problem. Try swapping the speakers. Try swapping the speaker cables. If either of those solves the problem, you know its either speaker/cable, if its neither, its the amp.
yeah, thanks, i've tried some of those things already and i think im going to switch the cables now. i already said though: it's NOT the amp because i've tried about three
see i'm all for using quality cable when you need to, i.e. balanced XLR cable for microphones (because mics have really low voltages and NEED to be insulated and shit) and good guitar cable (same deal -- instrument signal is really low AND those are not even BALANCED so good guitar cable is really critical)


buying expensive speaker cable = flushing money down the toilet
uhm.....spark plug wires have to be....insulated well...too......because they can arc....and stuff....and you can lose power. or something
Erik said:
see i'm all for using quality cable when you need to, i.e. balanced XLR cable for microphones (because mics have really low voltages and NEED to be insulated and shit) and good guitar cable (same deal -- instrument signal is really low AND those are not even BALANCED so good guitar cable is really critical)


buying expensive speaker cable = flushing money down the toilet

Maybe it has to do with the quality & durability?

it's not the speaker cable
it's not the speakers
it's not the cd player
it's not the computer
it's not the rca cable
it's not the speakers

this is going to be some fun troubleshootin

i have some ideas now

damn nigga, if my setup wasnt so god damn ghetto maybe shit would work properly
well... double insulated speaker wire would help in some situations... like if you wanted to put a speaker on top of the refiner in a hake plant... which is a giant electromagnetic/hydraulic fan which spins at 45000 RPM (for most surimi orders). Or were going to run your speaker wire along the powerlines to your neighbours house.

All the insulation does is protect the very simple electrical signals in the wire from electromagnetic interference. Which unless you live in a building full of microwaves and HUGE electrical motors... is like fuck all.

I know this because I've studied how data travels through a cable, whether it be analog signals or digital signals or optical signals. I got 94% in the course so like my taint if you disagree.

Gugs... Monster Cable's marketing department raped you in the ass.

The only time you need insulated cable is if for Data Communications, not audio. You're just not using high enough bitrates and frequencies in that cable.
Erik said:

it's not the speaker cable
it's not the speakers
it's not the cd player
it's not the computer
it's not the rca cable
it's not the speakers

this is going to be some fun troubleshootin

i have some ideas now

damn nigga, if my setup wasnt so god damn ghetto maybe shit would work properly

That's funny, all the "overpriced" stuff I bought in a store and had set up works just perfectly. :cool:
Erik said:
FACT: buying expensive speaker cables is a COMPLETE WASTE OF MONEY

it's just fucking copper!!! and the voltages are high enough that "DOUBLE INSULATION" and other marketing bullshit like that doesn't do shit to improve the quality!

i don't know about that ... not sure about spending $1k on cables ... but "better" cables then the ones that come in the box with equipment is a must.

I personally had speaker wire oxidize on me ... if the outer insulation wrap is clear, you can see it ... the whole copper turns black and even sticky ...
yeah, there are levels we're talking about here, but as a whole, copper will oxidize, you replace it. I'd rather buy 3 $10 cables over a 10 5-10 year span than drop 40 bucks once.

@Erik -- Yeah, thats low voltage unbalanced shit, i was comparing data comm to audio from a CD. Instruments are a different story.
i agree ... $10-$20 speaker cable is fine .. MOnster does make them in that price range .. and they are shielded even on the inside layer ...

the rest, higher end stuff ... bullshit.

of course if you just dropped $5k on an amp ... you will use some wires the size of a garden hose worth about $500 ... otherwise its just ... well

man, i remember once I went to Monsster Cable training ... this is when the company was JUST getting into the big chain stores .. and the owner himself Noel Lee was the trainee ... i never heard such bullshit and stories on how to sell their product ... it did pay us as salesmen a pretty penny ... sometimes more than the hardware.
For your stereo, you don't need shielding. A decent cable with properly done insulation and quality twisting in the copper is all you need. For your intrument, a nice shielded cable is important and neccesary. For strangling dumbfucks, then go buy one of those expensive monster cables, at least they can say that their death was worth SOMETHING (a $30 cable)
hey, dumb people will pay far too much for their cables. shielded Ethernet cable is useful for running your corporations backbone down the elevator shaft next to the high voltage cables... but thats only if your IT guys are retarded, otherwise its a run of fiber.