
Well that's definitely true. Especially if it's a larger plasma, because you're basically taking a much more fine picture and making it larger, thus making it actually look worse.

But move over to HDTV and it's a whole new ballgame. Or watching DVDs, etc.

I don't know if I'd want a huge TV for my only TV.
well, I am more into movies then music, so I was an early adopter to HD ... some DVD's that were shot in HD ... like Sin City and the Star Wars prequels ... just stunning.
I'd probably survive because the only TV I typically watch is network shit & sports, and all those channels are available in HDTV. There are just a couple of channels where I'd suffer (i.e. FX).

I watch more DVDs than TV, so that would help too.
well ... some people also do not realize there is different ways to watch regular broadcasts ...

the TV hooks up to the cable box in 2 ways ... one is "coax" (you cannot see the HD channels through this) which gives shittier pic on digital sets

the other is "component" ... this will allow regular broadcasts + the HD channels ... all channels look awesome ... except that the regular channels get a black bar on the sides now ... as they are not broadcast in 16:9 ...

so what average Joe does is that he watches regular channels through the coax input (shit picture on digital sets) and when he feels like HD channels he switches.

but yes ... if watching regular channels through coax on digital sets ... it is a worse picture then on a $200 tube TV