Lyric Writing Tips


New Metal Member
Oct 30, 2010
Hey guys, I'm relatively new here; and I'm a Black Metal musician. I play drums, but I've come a far way in my vocals (I used to sing Death Metal), and I'm learning guitar too.

But one thing I'm NOT that good at, is WRITING lyrics. I can come up with words easy to keep a topic going, but getting started with formatting and stuff is where I have no idea.

I know most songs have a chorus, a bridge, and an outro; but with BM song structure is almost completely thrown out the window.

But even that being said, it's still important to know. So if anyone could give me a run through, or some general tips/guides that'd be great.
Write about the red fluid of life flowing down your arms and how the sweet blade dives deep inside.

Owait, that's what Eternal Tears of Sorrow does.

You SANG death metal? I had no idea anyone could SING in death metal :P

But for realz, with black metal especially, you can't just make up some bullshit lyrics like in most metal genres. Most metal genres, you can just make random lines that don't make that much sense but sound really angry/evil and they will sell. Or, if you're writing metalcore, write about how broken your heart is and how much you miss your imaginary girlfriend.

Um, personally, I don't listen to a TON of black metal, but I am a writer by trade and a vocalist for fun, lol, so what little skill I have at vocals I think I make up for in my lyrics.

I really enjoy lyrics that tell stories. You don't have to strictly adhere to telling stories, but essentially, try and think of a stereotypical fantasy/medieval-ish story where something dark and depressing happens and write about it in a very ambiguous fashion.

Those are just some songs that you can write. A whole album of the same type of lyrics would probably get old rather quickly. Try mixing it up a bit with songs that make you sound like you're a satanist who burns down churches. That's very black metal!
I think writing is not about what genres you like it is about how you will deliver it to your listener. Sometimes it is based on experience, feelings and inspiration.
First of all think about the atmosphere you want in your lyrics, keep writing until you feel you're there. I can keep writing until i picture myself in these dark frames of eternal silence. I'm sure you can - just keep writing! Get poetry classes (read it too). Create something unique that means something for you, that's when song writing get fun. The idea behind writing is to write with your soul, tears and blood. Keep going until you think you are done!
Why don't you just read up on several interviews with reputable singers. Mike Patton is a good start. He chooses words more by the way they sound, the way the syntax is divided up and how that matches the rhythm, and then works up from there. Most of the screaming your doing anyway isn't going to be discernible. It's not like people in the crowd are going to listen to you, process what your saying, put it into context and then say 'wow that guy has a good point'. Maybe when they're at home but definitely not live.
A couple of things to bear in mind:
If the music is written first, you may find that your word choices are compromised by the rhythms that sound best over the top.
Second, you should try and work out what you want to say, then find a good way to say it. Don't just write whatever, really think, cos metal gives you a chance to discuss subject matter you can't really approach the rest of the time. But if you don't have anything to say, probably best not to write anything at all.
To prevent that point turning you into a single huge writer's block (!), go check out as many lyrics, pieces of poetry, artwork, as you can, and see what kinda relationship you get in with them, how you respond to them.