Can someone give me tips on playing and...

Anyone have any good tips for playing guitar and singing at the same time?
Every time I try I lose my rhythm with my guitar or I can't even say a word. If I just hammer down constantly without moving my fingering I can sing but how many songs can I write with the same notes between singing? The only thing I can play and sing at the same time is Hate Tank by: M.O.D
Any tips will help, thanks.-RJAIII-
I will be honest with you....... I don't think there is a trick. It takes both practice and the right type of mind. I sang harmony when I was in bands and a couple of bands I was in, we had as much harmony vocals as the Euro power bands. I played guitar seriously much earlier than I started singing seriously so I was able to learn my guitar parts by heart so well that I was able to play it almost subconciously and was able to concentrate on hitting those high harmony vocals.
You will have to either learn your vocal parts so well that you can multi-task on your guitar and concentrate on the guitar or do the opposite as I did. Pick whichever comes easiest to you and practice it until you can't stand playing or singing it.
I am also "Mr. Acoustic" at this forum. If you ever want to improve your playing, play acoustic. There is no substitute. Learning how to fret that monster and changing from chord to chord using all of those open chords as well as picking them will turn you into a demon on electric in no time. Power chords take little effort even if you are playing super fast rythms.

its just like most other things with guitar. Start off simple. Play a chord and hold it, then try singing. then try shifting chords while you sing... blah blah blah. Its really simple, just a matter of practice and starting off with something easy for you. Your not gonna be able to sing and play really fast rythm for a while.
Also, I don't tune my guitar to standard tunning, I don't know what the hell I tune it to but it's always the same with every pair of strings.I know I drop my E and drop my B for the the style I play and write. I'm kind of thinking of going into singing for other bands or starting a new band to sing in. I just purchased a bass too I'ts so damn easy to play and every time I pick one up I write something new and sometimes transfer it to guitar. I'm probably doing too much at a time and should focus on certain things but playing other instruments inspires me to write and play more. If I could get My music from my mini tapes to play on here I'd play you guys the songs I've recorded with my friend and all my new stuff.later-RJAIII-
madcheese9377 said:
I just recently bought an acustic guitar, so any sites or tips on playing that would be nice. I've written a couple of things on it so far but I also need to learn the chords. I plan on getting lessons in the near future for both electric and acustic, thanks for the advice guys.

All you need is a simple chord chart. If you do a Google or Yahoo search for guitar chord charty, I am sure you will get many hits. You can also use this site....
