Lyrical Similarities

I couldn't be bothered to google it, haha, my fault though. Do you see the resemblence then?
hahaha, I always wondered who was in your picture too, so its good to finally find out!
annt said:
Due to googling "wayne rooney" I assume they're some sort of football players.
yes, they are.

braighs... people spell words the same way because if you spell some words "creatively" they become other words. and if you care so little about spelling, why worry about the name of a bass player? :confused:
Braighs said:
Thank you 353 and rissy.
I don't know what the heck I was thinking when I started this. Clearly it couldn't have led to a disscusion on the shift in Opeth's lyrics from stories:
Orchid - forest cult stuff
Morningrise - (this is personal interpretation) TNATSW - (grandfather's suicide) last three (love story)
to lyrics that just convey a feeling or state of mind (BWP) (Deliverance minus the song Deliverance)

the playjerisum thing was a joke, I'm not good with internet sarcasm.

the_3_toed_sloth - Benjamin Franklin once said. "I cannot immagine a man who would be so uncreative as to spell a word the same way every time."
and BWP "not that obscure"...please enlighten me and add something constructive to this thread. This is not an insult, this is a request.

Heheheh very nice quote - i like that alot. And i didn't really mean to insult can just be frustrating sometimes when people cry plagiarism, when there is absolutely nothing to go on..if i was Mikael, id be a bit insulted actually (you also should know that sarcasm just does not work online).

But with BWP there is no story or concept; it is only "about" Mikael feeling disgusted with humanity, and each song relates to this in some way. To me, half the fun of Opeth albums is figuring out what he is on about, so I won't dissect any songs here, just say that you should keep serial killers in mind when interpreting this album. And death. This album's pretty gr1m.

Since I will not be posting again, here are some other ABSOLUTLY ABSURD things to ponder in my NOOBISH abscense.

1. Johan Defarfella (sp?) was a darn good bass player.

2. Benjamin Franklin wuz a jinyus.

3. BWP has no CLEAR story behind its lyrics. (a disease ravaging a town maybe?) (attacking a canabalistic alien homeworld?)

4. Sonata Arctica fans > Opeth fans in general

5. Gentle Giant > the elitism on this board.

I am glad to see some hate on this bord. Because that's what metal is all about, right?

1. ayuh
2. also ayuh
3. ayuh once more...he never claimed it was a story based album
4. Sonata Arctica rules.
5. Gentle Giant rules.
opeth_353 said:
Just seems like a thug to me tbh.

I bet he is a good footballer then! :grin:
As long as they put a flat with windows behind the net so he something to aim for! :tickled:
Silent Song said:
why worry about the name of a bass player? :confused:

:p Bass players are people too.
If I type "plagerism" you know I mean "plagiarism".
However, If I misspell a name, it could be taken as desrespectful.

And the_3_toed_sloth, thank you for the explanation of BWP. I will investigate further. And I will try to avoid internet misunderstandings.