Lyrics And Newz


Feb 11, 2003
Hello there...

For any of you who want the lyrics, there is no problem me lads...
I don't really give much of a shit about people copying music as long as we keep the thing moving on...We're not a big selling band or anythin' but Red Shift comes in a nice digipack with a CDrom track with both videoclip and lyrics. If you do like da music, please try buying it!

We'll put the lyrics up as soon as I get through me olde backups... Some nice clips from the cradle shows will be up soon, and some photos, so keep tuned me lads!

For all you american metalfreaks, we'll soon be in the position of confirming the band's appearance at this years Milwaukee metalfest, to be held the 25th and 26th of July. This will be our first gig in the states, so very very soon I'll confirm da newz...

Take care you MP3 laddi-o's

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Everything in the post above is a product of a well planned marketing strategy in order to build up a wild appearance of the band.

What our drunked musicians want to say is that PIRACY IS DANGEROUS, buy the album by divine order!!! :grin: Copying the album might be the end of the Banana Daikry as we know it. And also music, and maybe life. Er... stop... I am not doing bad things, doctor, noooo, don't.... argh!

@Dear readers: This post was written by a crazy robot who's kindly hosted in our psychiatric institution. I leave there these words he wrote to warn you that YOU CAN BE THE NEXT TO JOIN US!!! Muaha, muahahaha, muahahahahahaha! :hypno:

|ngenius (Terribly bored, I apologize)

P.S: If you're a slow mind, please, notice that this post was entirely a joke. Don't give a damn for it, neither for me. Pay attention to Khristoff, he's not that insane (yet). Damaged mind off, thanx for listening.
bad bad krisstoff...let's hope our friends in Peaceville don't really follow this forums :p

the lyrics on the site, next week :)

(i remind everybody that the lyrics for the previous two albums are online)