Lyrics - Of human bondage

Which I think is not such a good idea Daniel.
People who ask for lyrics usually have a cd dub or mp3s from the internet.
If someone wants the lyrics should buy the album!
silkie... i can understand your concerns about this. and i join you with them. but i still think that having the lyrics in digital format is an extra value - even if you do have the cd. i've made mp3s from all the cds i've got. just because i'm lazy and hate cd-shuffeling. just throw them into winamp and make a playlist from multiple artists or different albums... and have fun. but when i want to have the lyrics - i don't want to go and fetch the cd from the board and pull the booklet out.. pile (many?) cds on my desk and them look up the song in the booklet. usually the song is over by then =)
that's what I(!) use digital lyrics for. sure... everyone can rip them and print them on a cheap plain piece of paper and put it as a booklet in the case of a felttip marked cd saying 'AD - of human bondage'.
but once you've copied the mp3s ... do the lyrics matter? maybe they can even be a reason to buy the cd. but for those who don't buy the cd - they wouldn't have done so with or without the lyrics.
but i think it does not matter anyway. the use for those who bought the cd is IMHO greater if the lyrics are available online. what else could the use of a web/fanpage be? and the other anyway is: if it's not me who puts them online sometime - someone worse will do. it's only a matter of time.
and why are the lyrics for the other albums available on the official page then? i think the reason why OHB lyrics aren't online there is simply christian's lazyness..

BUT: if the guys say: ok, we don't want the lyrics on your page (or anywhere on the net) - i'll remove them.
Originally posted by Daniel/NEMESiS
and why are the lyrics for the other albums available on the official page then? i think the reason why OHB lyrics aren't online there is simply christian's lazyness..

Yeah, I think THAT is true.
Originally posted by Silkie
Which I think is not such a good idea Daniel.
People who ask for lyrics usually have a cd dub or mp3s from the internet.
If someone wants the lyrics should buy the album!

I agree also...but at the same time I remember the first time I heard angel dust..a friend made a copy for me to listen to...after finding out how good they were...I went out and bought all their cds...I have also turned on several people to angel that copy brought new fans.......not sure If thats the right way to go about it...but here I am far as lyrics go.....If you like the cd and want the the band out and BUY THE CD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One way of getting people into someone's music would be to play them their songs... In which case having lyrics might be helpful, and since one often plays songs on computers, it makes sense to have digital texts available somewhere. I have found myself searching for lyrics for albums that have lyrics printed in their booklets, simply because they were important to the song, and would help someone appreciate it, but obviously I did not feel like typing the lyrics out from loooking at a booklet. Of course, once someone likes a CD they should buy it, but the decision to do so can often be based, in part at least, on what the songs are about.
Oh, important thing to say, lyric which hasn't been in the booklet or readable, but publish by the fan club, are for the members ONLY, please do NOT publishing them!