Of Human Bondage gets bashed...


Your Psychotic Companion
Nov 16, 2001
Chicago, IL USA
OHB got a whopping 3/10 from Brave Words....

Reading stuff like that makes me think I'll need to hear this album before I just buy it.

From Brave words -

ANGEL DUST Of Human Bondage (Century Media)
The steam engine, precision hammering, which introduces the title track, switches from left to right channel. Sadly, it is one of the last successful moments within the ten disappointing cuts from Angel Dust. Admirably seeking to distance themselves from the scores of power metal outfits dotting the Deutsche landscape, equal parts symphonic, industrial, techno and Faith No More quirkiness aren't what the Germans needed at this juncture of their career. Despite adopting a Warrel Dane vocal tone for 'Unreal Soul', it quickly becomes evident the Angels have embraced technology, including electronic drumming, guitar synthesizers and modulated backing vox. 'Disbeliever' begins as if one of Alice Cooper's atmospheric, gruesome '70s ballads, yet never amounts to anything substantial. Big production and sweeping synths greet the start of 'Last Forever', but quickly turns into a quirky guitar driven electronic experimentation. A watered down, commercialism is apparent in 'Unite', where once Dirk Thurisch again mimics the Nevermore singer, while 'The Cultman' is a legitimate, albeit tame, acoustic/orchestral ballad. Only on final original, 'Freedom Awaits', does the sound approach past glories. A cover of 'Killer' closes the disc. All the fire and aggression the band exhibits onstage is missing from Of Human Bondage. Take off the chains and be free!

3.0 Mark Gromen
Well, if you got to the Century Media site you can download a full-length track from the album. I'm confident the album is going to be cool. I'm picking it up as soon as it's available.
Originally posted by Scott B
Well, if you got to the Century Media site you can download a full-length track from the album. I'm confident the album is going to be cool. I'm picking it up as soon as it's available.

Been there, done that. I don't mind the track they put on the site...its the rest of that review that's got me a bit concerned. I'll just find a way to listen to it before forking out for a potential disappointment...
well, i read this one, too. still i don't give anything (well, almost) to reviews. wanna read a review praising this cd? go here: http://www.vampster.com/backstage/scheiben/show.php3?id=4718 -well it's in german, but i only wanted to show that it all depends on the writer. never ever do so. or do you like keeping others opinions about things? don't you have your own? ok. - i say - listen to it and then you can make your own.

fortunatly i already had the chance to listen to the material on the fanclub's meeting. it's new and differs from the previous. yes. but that's the way a band advances and progresses in it's existance.
personally i was very sceptic when hearing it the first time. than, i really liked the material after the third time we head it through. i loved it the fifth time.

so - everything depends. especially music!
In response to Mark from Brave Words, Bloody Nose (duh)...

Mark states "it quickly becomes evident the Angels have embraced technology, including electronic drumming, guitar synthesizers and modulated backing vox"

Hey Mark this is Ritchie from Angel Dust. Come on out of the year 1983 and join the rest of us in the year 2002. The "Angels" will embrace technology. FACT: We actually have a keyboard/synth player IN the band...you idiot. And as for the "guitar synthesizer".... NONE! I used a WAH WAH pedal.....remember those?

To all the loyal AD fans (past & present):
Don't let the closed minded minimum wage magazine album reviewer steer your opinion. Listen to it and let us know what YOU think! As it is your thoughts that count not theirs!

Reviews never dictate whether I will purchase something or not. It all depends on person opinion.. for example I am one of the few that hate the new DREAM THEATER album. Everyone else praises it in reviews and stuff.