"Of Human Bondage" review @ Digital Metal

hehe... Gregadeth. cool name :D

Digital Metal is a decent site for news, and ok for reviews. Better than the reviews over at Metal-Rules.com... eek
Ya' thanks for the links.

After reading the reviews from Amazon.com.....

I am not surprised to see both negative & positive comments. This happens with ALL bands that put out a new cd with a change in the musician line up. Immediately, people want to start picking at it just looking for a reason not to like it. Comments like "it just doesn't sound the same" or "it has lost something" are ridiculous. Of course it doesn't sound the same - it's not suppose too and yes, it has lost something.....the guitar player that everyone is used to seeing and hearing AD play with. This cd is not a "bump in the road" as stated by a reviewer on Amazon.com. This album is the beginning of something that will be huge. Hang in there as it only gets better!! I think the reviewers need to make it to a live performance than go back and rewrite their reviews. I bet they would take back alot of the negative feedback they original wrote. The live performance is awesome and I'm sure those of you that have experience one, would agree.

This is just my opinion .... for what it is worth.