Lyrics question


Apr 5, 2006
As ive been sitting here listening to the teasers and reading the lyrics it struck me that sentences containing water, Like you make me fall into the water, pushing my head under water, see you walk the water. As i recall, these sentences started appearing on the Monday morning apocalypse. Do they mean anything special? or is it a metafore on something?
Good question friend! It seems that the water has a special meaning for Tom (Still in the water, Dark Waters, Unforgivable (No holy water can save him now..)). We can find references to the water already in STD and Recreation Day. In my opinion water represents somethings bad, a bad situation, maybe because in the water you cannot breath :)
If Tom does mean to use water as an object of danger, death, and pain, that'd be a cool twist on something that is normally viewed as an object of life and rebirth. Tom always was a cool lyricist, so I can't wait to see what he has written next!
For me, the water symbolize life.
Good question friend! It seems that the water has a special meaning for Tom (Still in the water, Dark Waters, Unforgivable (No holy water can save him now..)). We can find references to the water already in STD and Recreation Day. In my opinion water represents somethings bad, a bad situation, maybe because in the water you cannot breath :)