Lyrics to some Hypocrisy songs


New Metal Member
May 21, 2005
I've searched the internet and don't even have these lyrics , if you could help out it'd be much appreciated:

Lead by Satanism

Lead by satanism is a bonus track so that probably explains why it's so rare.
LoL bummer...
searched a little and no1 knows the lyrics for those songs :err:
go buy he album maybe there is the lyrics on the cover.
or just go to an offical hypocrisy site and ask there
mm cant find them too.
but i started a while a go with lead by satanism, so, give me a moment, or help me cause im trying to make him. at this moment its a mess with all the words i can find and trying to put them together but lots of words are missing, so its a mess....
but strange no-one tried it before, for darklyrics, because i think its posible to make it