Lyrics we don't understand..

but on the opeth forum you dont have to diss opeth to get insulted. the only lack of worshiping makes people call you a moron there. oh and id like to feel offended but i dont know dolly parton. is that metal? :tickled:
opeth a true metal band? where are the bullet belts and the mullets, the sleeveless shirts and the white sport shoes? you must think im stupid!
Allan said:

as mehdi said its meant for 'takingtheshitback'

your lines were well in place. (though emre told me I should check opeth's lyrics from 'still life' and all what came behind that album...)
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Dolly Parton isn't metal - Opeth are the only TRUE metal band. You'd know that if you didn't listen to Tori Amos all day.

why do you reduce bands to be metal or not? I am sure, you consider yourself a "real-metal-head", but its not a shame to listen to non-metal-bands,artists,whatever, hey...
If we just reduce everything to be what it is... the world would be so boring....
We all have our special taste of music... if everyone would have the same taste in music, concerts would be boring, coz there won't be the possibility to meet different ppl - don't you think its boring to hang around 24/7 with the same sort of persons non-stop???