Lyrics we don't understand..

DragonLady1 said:
well do u know Monheim then? I was there this weekend :)
and Cologne rules for shopping hehe, I bought some cool stuff on saturday :) hm, and we went to the live music hall, great location, cool music, nice place for having a party ;)

I start to like germany ;)
hehe, the old rivalry between Austria and Germany. Not for me girl, not for me ;) (only in football games perhaps)

yeah, shopping, ok, though Cd's are expensive here as well, up to 17 €!! Way too much imo. And yeah, the LMH is a good venue!
Aerwen said:
Gotta go for today... Have fun (by the way... can I get a SChnitzel and a piece of Sacher Torte aswell? When you re in Monheim...). And, why are you in MOnheim that often? Its not such a popular city... hmm, just leave ya all with a wonderfull song....(rotfl...)
Keep on rockin'

see yer mate!:wave:
Morpheus said:
hehe, the old rivalry between Austria and Germany. Not for me girl, not for me ;) (only in football games perhaps)

yeah, shopping, ok, though Cd's are expensive here as well, up to 17 €!! Way too much imo. And yeah, the LMH is a good venue!

well there's a nice second hand cd shop near Barbarossaplatz in Cologne, that one rules, cds for 10 euros and even less!!!

and here cds start at 17 euros... so that really sucks :(
ah, that's shit, i always thought that it can't be more impudent than here...

dunno the shop, maybe because it's ages ago when i was shopping in cologne the last time!
Mariner said:
as mehdi said its meant for 'takingtheshitback'

your lines were well in place. (though emre told me I should check opeth's lyrics from 'still life' and all what came behind that album...)

I suspected that and realised it just after, but it's still appropriate seeing this just won't have an end.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Ha ha you thick bastard! Bullet belts and white trainers were THRASH bands! Opeth aren't thrash, they are the kings of metal!
METAL! etc like

what? where are the swords, the boots and that? and opeth always keep their shirts on.
That Police song...
Sue Lawley, Sue Lawley, Sue Lawley, Sue Lawley....

and this was before the famous incident with Terry Trent Derby, using the phrase "fuck me till i fart".

weird :ill: