
Yeah, they are incomplete..
Here's the missing part:

I made the mistake of wanting
something real and I saw it die
I paid the price for thinking
it was true when it was all a lie
Yeah, a small mistake there. Damn. Think of it like hidden lyrics, or something.. aghh.

You think you've looked over everything 10 times and then you end up missing something like this. Oh well. Mal got it nailed though.
Mistake? I thought it was intentional since, if I remember correctly, there's some lyrics missing from Katatonia's TD cd booklet too, where more lines would screw up the layout.
Not sure though, as I seem to have misplaced that CD cover.
Well we didn't intentionally leave any lyrics out. When lyrics are repeated we didn't print them again, as your right, it would take up too much space.. but we wouldn't leave our lyrics that aren't printed anywhere just because we want to conserve space... it was just a mistake. But we can pretend it was some intentional artistic move, I like that..