\m/ Faith No More's Glam Thread \m/

Man, I'd do anything if I could've grown up in the 80s. All of my favorite metal genres were popular back then. However, if I accidently wore a Poison shirt to an Overkill concert back then, I'd probably get beat up for it, considering that Poison is basically the Fall Out Boy of the 80s in terms of popularity. =P
Yeah, why do most people like crap now? You find these days that there are more mainstream haters than there used to be. The only reason people like fall out boy (they don't deserve capitalization) is because of pete wentz. He isn't even lead vocals and he plays bass but the camera in the music videos is on him 90% of the time. Every song they make lasts about a month and then its old. The female pop artists songs last maybe 2 or 3 months usually. Wheras Classic Rock bands keep picking up fans even after their careers are over. Wheras mainstream artists careers don't last long and no one likes them afterwards.
Man, I'd do anything if I could've grown up in the 80s.
Me too.
I fucking hate the mainstream, if was I the same age I am now in the 80's I could've been famous, but now the mainstream wants horrible whiny vocal shit! It's gonna be really difficult to make it big.
Yeah I guess so. What I mean by big is becoming mainstream but that isn't possible, any non-eunuch musician doesn't make it. I'd rather shoot for a record deal.
Haha yeah. The songs are damn catchy. My favs are Rocket, Armageddon It, and Love Bites.

I've had these albums forever and never liked it, and the one time I revisit it I get addicted. Weird.
(inside the mainstream conversation)

I think the more underground stuff like The Strokes, The Shins, Tv On The Radio is gonna be the new mainstream.

I think this is how the timeline goes for mainstream music.

50's - Birth of Rock N' Roll
60's - Political time where music was made against war and the entertainment industry grows because of The Beatles
70's - Psychedelic is pretty much over, Punk is born
80's - Nothing political was really going on and the music was just fun and awesome
90's - Fun dies down, and the mainstream starts decomposing
21st century - Further decomposing of the mainstream, underground music becomes more popular than it used to be

If you feel there is something I didn't add please let me know.