Macbeth gets slaughtered by a metal fan.


Who drops crackers?
Apr 1, 2006
Albany, Ga
I figuered this would earn a few chuckles.

We had to preform this today for my drama class, and hilarity ensued.

Trading lightsabers for swords, and the crown for PP tickets seemed to do the trick:

Act V Scene VII:
For Metalheads and people who don’t mind me killing off characters.
By Justin Hicks.

Enter Macbeth:

Macbeth: I still don’t see why Macduff is still complaining about that cd being scratched. I mean, the band sucks anyway. Oh well.

Macduff enters

Macduff: Dude, I’m going to rip your weenis off and eat it after I’m done with your mom. Face me!

Macbeth: Man, calm down. I’ve got it ripped anyway. Hear for yourself.

*Plays album*

Macduff: Don’t tell me to calm down. Besides, you know the rules about scratched CD’s.

They fight

Macbeth: Although I admire your efforts, it’s pretty much useless because I’ve got my Iron Maiden shirt on today. You should know that, seeing as how you bought it for me.

Macduff: Oh, that one? I got it from some guy in the parking lot after the show.

Macbeth: Man, you’re full of it. I’m not going to fight you over this CD.

Macduff: Then just replace it, or I’m stealing your Progpower tickets.

Macbeth: You mean to tell me that after coming all this way, you’re going to beat me with a light saber, and then take my Progpower tickets? Screw that!

Fighting…bla bla bla

Malcolm and Ross enter

Malcolm: Hey. Glad to see that we made it safe. No more Jagerbombs for us before the road.

Ross: Hey man, if you’re going to go to a show, you’ve got to get the sauce going before the main event. Besides, we only lost Siward in route.

Malcolm: Where’s Macduff? He said he’d have the tickets. Oh, did Siward’s kid die too?

Ross: Yeah, but be pulled a Bon Scott in the car after he passed out.

Malcolm: Just like Jimi. *shakes head*

Ross: No offence man, but he was kind of a D-bag. He did like Nickelback.

Malcolm: Fuck off! Hey, there’s Macduff. And he’s got the tickets!

Macduff: My friends! Hail my most righteous awesomeness. After nabbing the tickets, and seducing Macbeth’s mom, now is the time to get our Progpower on.

All: Hail!

Macduff: I’m not going to spend a lot of time out here with you losers, because Zero Hour is about to play, and we all know how cool that weird guitar part in “evidence of the Unseen” is. Oh, you’re all invited to the after party after the show.

All: Hail Macduff! :kickass:
Considering the fact that our teacher was impressed as hell, and the fact that our "swordfight" took us between a row of desks, (almost hitting my fellow Drama fiends in the process) and that we were the only ones who actually put effort into our act, I think we scored an "A".

Oh, we had to put in a Megadeth hat at the last minute to sub for the Iron Maiden shirt. :kickass:

Oh No this has got to be the Soundtrack! Rebellion's Shakespeare's Mabeth - A Tragedy in Steel.