Macbook cleaning


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Sep 1, 2006
Melbourne, Australia
Hey all

so ive had my macbook (nice shiny white) for about 6 months now, and its starting to look like the miles shes travelled. Ive cleaned the keyboard with nail polish remover and eucalyptus oil (an australian thing) and its been a good quick fix. but now, all the magnets that hold it shut are getting ratty looking, and the keya are slowly getting stained, looking a nice off white color.

now its not a necessity, but what can i do to give her a nice clean. the stuff ive used has only been a quick fix.. do you fix YOURS?
I'm getting a Macbook next month and I'm shitting myself about that thing going the crappy yellow colour they go in the stores. My friend has a G4, and he's obviously had for it 3 or 4 years, and it isn't dirty at all.

As far as cleaning, I've heard that when they get dirty, you're basically shit out of luck. How did the nail polish remover work? Did it not eat into the keys a bit? What do you mean by the magnets getting ratty looking?
well the id is locked down by magnets, and theres little bits of black dirty that seem to be stuck there. running my fingers over it doesnt seem to do much.

the nal polish remover was good, it got rid of alot of the grime, but theres alot there than it doesnt get rid of!!
Forget it ... live with it :D

But here's one tipp for cleaning the OUTSIDE-shell of the Macbook:
Guitar-polish! Removes light scratches instantly and Booky-Book is shining again :)
I don't even bother on my silver Compaq; it'd just be a never-ending pain in the ass. It shows it's been loved!