vht cab tone test hows it sounding ?


Aug 28, 2006
Just looking for some feedback/advice on the tone ive got going at the moment.

only the 1 track of guitar here and a lame riff but you get the idea :kickass:

might try this in a mix if you guys think its up to much.

esp viper, ts-9, peavey 6505, vht Deliverance, shure 57 haha and now the bad part art tube pre aghhhhhhhhh all that nice gear and a shitty mic pre :hypno:


ill be evry thankfull for any feedback im new to micing a cab, couldnt afford the gear in the past so this is me just getting into it.

how big a difference would i be hearing in tone if i used the
Goldmike or RNP preamp ?

Ive only ever had the cheap preamp ive never had the chance to compare it
to something a bit up market so im not sure if this is making my tone suffer a tad or not.
I plan on getting the RNP before christmas would I really notice any differences ?

As for a mix, im trying to get a decent tone on the go as I plan to record a 3 track
demo for my band. Eventually when im happy with things this tone (hopefully
slightly improved) will be used and ill upload some clips but thats probably a while away yet.
I would reference Oz's Mic Pre Shootout - the general consensus was that preamps make a slight difference, probably more as you stack tracks, but not a very noticeable one on individual tracks. Bitchin' tone dude; very upfront without being too fizzy.
VHT Fat Bottoms are the shit. I love mine. My speaker configuration is a bit different than stock. I left two of the stock P50Es in and replaced the other two with G12T75s in an Uberschall-style X pattern. Sounds great.

Too bad I don't have a damn head right now. I have a fucking full stack sitting in my recording space with no head.