1st mix test post 6505, VHT suggestions?


Aug 28, 2006
sorry about the tits on the link (file lime) page in advance im not sure what sort of free upload site this is but it works really well for me!


anyways this is just a test the 1st full mix test i've ever posted i usually only post the odd guitar tone test so comments and suggestions would be really good, im thinking theres bottom end missing somewhere,
but i can't really pin point whats lacking the bottom end.

this is my 6505 lead channel with a Maxon sd-9 in front of the head into my VHT Fat Bottom Cab.

sorry about the cradle riffing but its just a test!

cheers guys
Wow, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that kick sound you've got dude - what sample is it? And the guitars sound good, but they're too low for me to really judge; I say turn 'em up! :rock:
Wow, I LOVE LOVE LOVE that kick sound you've got dude - what sample is it? And the guitars sound good, but they're too low for me to really judge; I say turn 'em up! :rock:

send me a private message with your email address and ill send you the kicks man.

hmm i still think its lacking bottom end somewhere, yeah drums are programmed of course i didn't pay much attention to em but i could make a better job of them, does the bass cut through ok i havent got good monitor speakers so i cant really tell through my 1980s technics haha
althought they are low in the mix, they sound very nice to me. You have enough lows, IMO.

how much should i turn up the guitars by?

must be my shitty speakers i never really noticed they were low but thats 2 of you guys said that so ill turn em up

there was no mastering done on the clip maybe a limiter would lift the guitars out a bit

im selling the VHT cab i have never been happy with it im still not happy with the tone to be honest, i had a engl 4x12 with v30s at one stage sold that because i didn't like that either! running out of options haha but looking to get a different cab not sure what im after soemthing with a bit more grit to the tone i guess
althought they are low in the mix, they sound very nice to me. You have enough lows, IMO.

how much should i turn up the guitars by?

must be my shitty speakers i never really noticed they were low but thats 2 of you guys said that so ill turn em up

there was no mastering done on the clip maybe a limiter would lift the guitars out a bit

im selling the VHT cab i have never been happy with it im still not happy with the tone to be honest, i had a engl 4x12 with v30s at one stage sold that because i didn't like that either! running out of options haha but looking to get a different cab not sure what im after soemthing with a bit more grit to the tone i guess

does anyone else think the drums are too bright cymbal/hat wise?
that is some brutal kick indeed.. I agree about raising the guitar tracks a bit; may I ask what synth/choir is that? is that magnus choir?
i have vastly improved the mix everything sounds alot tighter tell me what you think this time round guys
i compressed the lows using andy's c4 settings then i re eq'd the guitars from there
re mixed the acoustic and trigger kick has a little more thud and re done the bass playing alot harder this time.

and i didn't turn the guitars up i think it was more of an eq issue but they seem alot louder with the eq change

and ill get these kicks sent to you guys too

basically its a mix of 4 multi sampled acoustic kicks and 4 triggered kicks
ill send the files saperate and you can mix them to your taste.

took the choir out this time it was causing me some play back issues



there a big difference if you compare the 2 its funny how the little tweaks make the big difference
Rene...really nice sounding! And nice to hear a song from you. :) Are those the same choir voices we talked about a long time ago? Sounds nice.
The choir is from refx nexus its a fairly new vst with some really nice sounds
the choirs are pritty crap the bank im using is called singing diva its the only good choir on it but its more of a female type thing it hasn't really got any good proper choirs but its got nice strings, pianos, violins......

Ill get a full song up at some point using this template im still working on the overall sound

my bands nearly finished a demo 3 tracks its going to get mixed by one of the guys on here Machinated! cause is tone is always killer

but for rough songs for proper demos ill probably use a template similar to this
and upload full songs at some point my bands got plenty of songs they just haven't been recorded mixed well at any stage