Suggestions for a mix. (Engl/TSL100,... not metal).


May 11, 2006

Never recorded anything like this before, so outside of a/bing, im really not sure where to go with the mix now. Any suggestions?

Fender 62' Japan telecaster - maxon od - ENGL Fireball-edit(left)/TSL100(right) - Marshall MF 4x12 - SM57.
Mapex Classic something Kit, replaced kick with a random kick on my comp.
Bass - DI - Ampeg SVX
Couple of stuff in the master bus.
Thanks for the replies. Yeah, im a guitarist by nature,.. so mixing drums isnt exactly my forte.. that's cool you guys are into the guitars though. The fender wasn't the most pleasant of instruments to work with (single coils,.. in my studio?!) but I must say I was most pleased with the Marshall, id never, ever use one for modern metal, but the versatility for all other types of rock, pop and metal is pretty outstanding.

Its funny, I was actually hoping you guys would comment/not-like the guitars not the drums, cause im not sure if I like the guitars. I think I agree there is too much compression on the drums though so ill tone it down alot. When I mix drums I am constantly trying to keep everything clear and the easiest way to do that I find is to boost the highs, but again, ill tone it down. I'm actually really happy with the snare and their drummer was super happy with it too,... but he was pretty happy the way everything sounded, so haha.. go figure.

If I get the time, ill export another sample when everything is finished to hear some final thoughts from you guys. The band started recording this 35min CD this time last week and would like to have it all finished and produced by new year, total. nightmare. edit - real big thanks for the replies again.