
Sep 21, 2002
So Cal
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MACHINE HEAD frontman Robert Flynn has once again lashed out at SLAYER guitarist Kerry King over the latter's incessant public criticisms of MACHINE HEAD's recent recorded output and attacks on the group's integrity. In an interview posted at MACHINE HEAD's official web site (, Flynn responds to a question about how the whole feud between the two former friends started.

"You want to know how this whole thing started? (long pause) About the time that 'Supercharger' got released, maybe a little before, we started reading all these interviews where Kerry's talking shit about us," Flynn said. "And at first it was kinda just dumb shit... 'MACHINE HEAD sucks'... 'Robb sings like a fag now'... blah, blah, blah. It was his opinion, we didn't care, he's entitled to it. But you know... We were kinda trippin', we considered this guy our friend, and all of a sudden...

"Anyways, we talk about it and we decide we're not gonna say anything about it in the press. We're like, 'Maybe he's just going through a phase or something.'

"So six months or so go by and he's still talking shit in interviews, but now it's like, they don't even have to ask him about MACHINE HEAD, he'll just start in on us. A magazine will be like, 'So Kerry, how's the weather down in Los Angeles?' and Kerry will be like, 'Oh yeah, the weather's great, and by the way, MACHINE HEAD fuckin' SUCKS!!!' (laughter) And we're like... What the fuck, man? Where's all that coming from? But again, we talk about it, and again we decide not to say anything in the press, because... (long pause ) This guy was like our idol. We had posters of this guy on the wall in our jam pad... It was weird.

"So three or four more months pass by, and he's 'still' going at us. And now man, he just starts getting a little too fuckin' mouthy. It's no longer, 'MACHINE HEAD sucks' and 'Robb sings like a fag'. Now it's 'MACHINE HEAD are sell-outs,' 'They're responsible for rap-metal,' 'They fooled me into thinking they're metal,' 'They have no integrity left.' And we're like, 'WHOA!!!!!! What the fuck!?' Fuck this motherfucker!!! How fuckin' dare you accuse us have having no integrity?! Oh, Mr. SUM 41 video has so much fuckin' integrity now!? Shit?!

"So I said fuck this, and I fired some rounds back. And I don't pull any punches. I fuckin' ROASTED his ass, period, and he knows it. He just can't take it like a man, and leave it at that. He's still taking dumb little shots at me in the press, 'Duh, his hair looks like Anselmo now, Duh, he's trying to copy him.'

"Whatever man. I'm over it. O-ver it. You want to know how I feel? This whole thing just disappoints me. I'm disappointed in him that he had to bring it to this."
'WHOA!!!!!! What the fuck!?' Fuck this motherfucker!!! How fuckin' dare you accuse us have having no integrity?! Oh, Mr. SUM 41 video has so much fuckin' integrity now!? Shit?!

:lol: Right on! :lol: Kerry King is an idiot anyway :heh:
Why the fuck does Kerry King care? Slayer did put out a punk album for fuck sake, and the new one had a few numetal songs as well( threshold had one riff) Machine Heads new album was awfully bad though, I
Slayer is spiraling downwards faster and faster...they'll be obsolete before too long. It's a shame to see what's happened to the once-glorious Big Four: Slayer stuck in a rut, Anthrax more and more irrelevant, Megadeth over and done with, and Metallica...well, you know. Although, did anyone else catch that "Hit the Lights" video? Shows promise.
Yeah, bag on Slayer...they've only released how many classic albums? How many have MH released? ONE! Kerry King is right. Flynn is a sell out. What the fuck is this world coming to when Americans want to protect A tyrant like Saddam and "metal heads" on Testament's board side with a wigger. The end is here I'm afraid.
Hannibal666- does it mean I am not a metalhead, because I find a war in Iraq to be the most idiotic American act of foreign policy since the vietnam war- I could go on why the action is totally idiotic, but i am sure you are as tired of such statements as i am. And Hannibal666- will you volunteer to fight in Iraq, are u willing to die to liberate the Iraqi people who are leaving Iraq in droves waving american flags? If you are, damn you really were hypnotized by misguided nationalism.

I do agree with you on Machine head, they only have 1 good album, still Kerry is off his rocker- I hope the real talent of the band Jeff Hanneman thinks up some interesting material next time.
Uh, I don't like Machine Head either...I vastly prefer Slayer, as a matter of fact. It's just that their last four albums have been pretty lame.

I find it very offensive that you accuse me of wanting to protect a subhuman murderer like Saddam Hussein. I simply don't want his people and our people to die in a pointless war - why don't we send in the CIA? I mean, how many fucking South American governments did we overthrow with them? Twelve? Fifteen? We can take Saddam out, and we won't need to sacrifice all those lives to do it.

I could go on, but I don't want to get back into the war debate. So let's just say that Slayer has released some sucky stuff and Machine Head has sucked for a long time. Rob should have stayed in Vio-lence.
They are BOTH poser sellout fags. I want to see them fight till death!

What does sexual orientation have to do with it? Kerry is no fag and either is Rob. And if it wasn't for Slayer...where would metal be today? Anyway...this is a completely pointless discussion..
speed said:
Hannibal666- does it mean I am not a metalhead, because I find a war in Iraq to be the most idiotic American act of foreign policy since the vietnam war- I could go on why the action is totally idiotic, but i am sure you are as tired of such statements as i am.

Being a metal head has nothing to do with the idiocy of your statement. It has to do with idiocy as a human being. I stated that people would rather defend a modern day Hitler like Saddam -who has proven to be a danger to the world- and as Americans, can consider themselves a traitor to defend such a person. Anyone who thinks different is a moron IMO.

And Hannibal666- will you volunteer to fight in Iraq, are u willing to die to liberate the Iraqi people who are leaving Iraq in droves waving american flags? If you are, damn you really were hypnotized by misguided nationalism.

I'm too old. I already put in my time. But yes, if it was possible, I would go and fight. Hypnotized by misguided nationalism? LOL! You're hypnotized by misguided liberal cowardice and stupidity .

I do agree with you on Machine head, they only have 1 good album, still Kerry is off his rocker- I hope the real talent of the band Jeff Hanneman thinks up some interesting material next time.

Pyrus said:
I find it very offensive that you accuse me of wanting to protect a subhuman murderer like Saddam Hussein. I simply don't want his people and our people to die in a pointless war - why don't we send in the CIA?

I'm not concerned if you're offended. I'm offended by Americans who are traitors. Deal with it. Send the CIA in? We had our chance to assassinate Saddam back in the Mid 90s but your liberal president was too busy getting a blow job from Monica and nixed the plan. It was your President's liberal feet dragging that allowed a tyrant like Saddam to completely wipe his ass with how many UN Resolutions over how many years? 12?

I mean, how many fucking South American governments did we overthrow with them? Twelve? Fifteen? We can take Saddam out, and we won't need to sacrifice all those lives to do it.

I think you're just afraid they'll call you into action. You're of that age. LOL!

I could go on, but I don't want to get back into the war debate. So let's just say that Slayer has released some sucky stuff and Machine Head has sucked for a long time. Rob should have stayed in Vio-lence.

Slayer's last 2 albums haven't been all that great but they are far from sell out. Just because Kerry appreared in a Sum41 video doesn't mean the rest of the band sold out. Kerry was also in a rap metal video when RIB came out. Ever hear of the Beastie boys?
What, precisely, am I a traitor to? And why? And yes, I AM scared about getting called into action. I don't want to get shot fighting for a cause I don't believe in for a government that does not represent my interests. Are you particularly eager to go to war?

By the way, find where I called Slayer "sell-outs." I don't believe in the concept of selling's the music BUSINESS.
Pyrus said:
What, precisely, am I a traitor to? And why?
Look here little kid. My initial post was a general statement for starters. Did I quote you specifically or name you? You chimed in with the limp wristed lecture. Spare me. Anyone who would side with Saddam and make our president the bad guy is a traitor...end of story..if it applies to you, great, if not shut your pie hole tree hugger.

And yes, I AM scared about getting called into action.


I don't want to get shot fighting for a cause I don't believe in for a government that does not represent my interests. Are you particularly eager to go to war?

Excuse me but if you're an American then it's your duty to defend your country and fight for the freedoms you currently take for granted and abuse. If not, get the fuck out traitor. Buy a ticket to Canada like all the yellow draft dodgers of the Vietnam era. Or better yet, buy a ticket to Iraq. I've already served my duty.

By the way, find where I called Slayer "sell-outs." I don't believe in the concept of selling's the music BUSINESS.

Btw, dolt, find where I said you did.