There is a certain amount of validity to some of what he says. But read his arguments...when he has nothing ot say, he resorts to personal insults, logical fallacies such as "I'm older than you," and blaming everything on Clinton.

It's obvious, Hannibal, that I'm not going to change your mind, and you're not going to change mine. So I'm willing to let this rest if you refrain from unwarranted personal attacks and immaturity. I don't hate you. I respect the fact that you served our country. I think you've been affected by military propaganda and your opinions on the war are misinformed, but I'm not going to go down to the level of attacking your personally because I disagree with you.

If you're such an adult, please show me the same respect I show you. And remember, this is a Testament message board. We're wasting a hell of a lot of bandwidth on something that would be better served elsewhere.
Hannibal666Lecter said:
I'm not concerned if you're offended. I'm offended by Americans who are traitors. Deal with it. Send the CIA in? We had our chance to assassinate Saddam back in the Mid 90s but your liberal president was too busy getting a blow job from Monica and nixed the plan. It was your President's liberal feet dragging that allowed a tyrant like Saddam to completely wipe his ass with how many UN Resolutions over how many years? 12?

I am a traitor, bring me in and lock me the fuck up, I don't care about liberals and fucking conservtives, I care about human life in general, Saddam was bad, yes he was, but what friggin moral ground did we as a country stand on to INVADE ANOTHER INDEPENDENT COUNTRY? We invaded to liberate? Seems to me the media and the presidents spinsters were going on and on about weapons of mass destruction. None are yet found, friend. We have no moral standing, we as a country are the depraved of the depraved, we are like the spoiled child that whines and beats up his brothers and sisters to get what it wants. I want some of you to do me a favor, read 1984 and then observe...listen to how people put things nowadays, listen when the president talks, see the false honesty and the back room decisions of our gov't, it is earily at how a book written in 1949 and the reality of todays "society" correlate. But what am I saying, humanity is not an issue here in these lovely states, the bottom line is, what is in it for me, how can I be the laziest person that I can be, I don't want to work or actually do anything to achieve whatever, it is mine, mine, mine, mine.

If as some people believe there is no God, then I believe we as humans are haven't even left the sate of infancy. When war=peace and represion=freedom, hope is lost, and where no hope exists, only tyrants prevail. END RANT!
ehhhhhhhh, back on topic.

i still like MH. slayer hasnt put out a decent record in quite a few years. they both put on awesome live shows. thats what matters. at least to me.
~I do believe in things American President's say. Like the quote from my signature. And because I stand behind a President's ideal, I am a traitor and should move away? Hey, just because I didn't let a drill sargeant stick a floor lamp up my ass to break my spirit so that I'll be a good fagg and take orders, doesn't mean I'm not into killing people. When the working class revolt against the US because they are getting fucked by an uncompromisingly stubborn and greedy governmental ideal, I have no problem with homeland security troops dying for being mindless drone followers to a shoot first... ask no questions foriegn policy.
Akumojo Dracula X3 said:
~I do believe in things American President's say. Like the quote from my signature. And because I stand behind a President's ideal, I am a traitor and should move away?
Um dude, you are taking Teddy Roosevelt's quote WAAAAAAY out of context, maybe it loses something in the translation.

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." -Theodore Roosevelt
What Teddy's saying is that we as Americans have EVERY RIGHT to criticise the President. And that to blindly follow the President goes against everything that this country was founded on. The first amendment gives us the right to freedom of speech, to say what we want. And that includes the right to speak about the President, and what he's doing.

In no way shape or form does that quote say that the American people should follow the President and do what he says no matter what. If that's what you're trying to get out of the quote, you're making yourself look foolish.

That being said, it amazes me how many people from foreign countries criticise the US. Maybe you should fixate on the problems in your own countries for awhile first before bitching about the US.
pest666 said:
it amazes me how many people from foreign countries criticise the US. Maybe you should fixate on the problems in your own countries for awhile first before bitching about the US.
I couldn't agree with you more Pest! Please get off of the "hate the evil United States" bandwagon and concentrate on your own country's issues!
pest666 said:
Um dude, you are taking Teddy Roosevelt's quote WAAAAAAY out of context, maybe it loses something in the translation.

What Teddy's saying is that we as Americans have EVERY RIGHT to criticise the President. And that to blindly follow the President goes against everything that this country was founded on. The first amendment gives us the right to freedom of speech, to say what we want. And that includes the right to speak about the President, and what he's doing.

In no way shape or form does that quote say that the American people should follow the President and do what he says no matter what. If that's what you're trying to get out of the quote, you're making yourself look foolish.

That being said, it amazes me how many people from foreign countries criticise the US. Maybe you should fixate on the problems in your own countries for awhile first before bitching about the US.

Woah, woah, it is called sarcasm. His post is dripping with the stuff.
God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above
From the mountains To the prairies,
To the ocean white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home.
Valofvalhalla said:
God bless America, land that I love
Stand beside her and guide her
Through the night with the light from above
From the mountains To the prairies,
To the ocean white with foam
God bless America, My home sweet home.
hell YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
~Holy fuck someone gets it! Thanx AJDeath. Actually I didn't realise how old this thread was. Besides which even if I wasn't being sarcastic, I realise that when I type fast I may leave out words but I thought that what i said was very clear. The person replied with my exact point restated as if they were arguing with me. Well I am from the US, but I'd rather be on the hate the US bandwagon than the love the US no questions asked bandwagon... On second thought I'd rather be on the "Opeth is the most overrated band in the world!" bandwagon than any other. C'mon, we're a little too old to be riding in wagons now aren't we? You can't aggree with everything the goverment tells you. The whole foundation of their existence is to keep people from truths that they feel that the American public cannot handle or have no buisness knowing.
Akumojo Dracula X3 said:
~Holy fuck someone gets it! Thanx AJDeath. Actually I didn't realise how old this thread was. Besides which even if I wasn't being sarcastic, I realise that when I type fast I may leave out words but I thought that what i said was very clear. The person replied with my exact point restated as if they were arguing with me. Well I am from the US, but I'd rather be on the hate the US bandwagon than the love the US no questions asked bandwagon... On second thought I'd rather be on the "Opeth is the most overrated band in the world!" bandwagon than any other. C'mon, we're a little too old to be riding in wagons now aren't we? You can't aggree with everything the goverment tells you. The whole foundation of their existence is to keep people from truths that they feel that the American public cannot handle or have no buisness knowing.

Wow..for being so intellectually sure took my post out of context..are you from another country? Didn't think so:Smug: I don't love my country "no questions asked" and if we're a little old to be riding around in wagons..then aren't we a little old to be slamming on other people's favorite bands? That would be like me posting a reply to this...and at the end adding...this...and I think you have a dumb screen there! Sounds pretty stupid doesn't it? maybe you'll think a little harder next time you post and try to keep it a little more constructive...
MindInsane said:
Wow..for being so intellectually sure took my post out of context..are you from another country? Didn't think so:Smug: I don't love my country "no questions asked" and if we're a little old to be riding around in wagons..then aren't we a little old to be slamming on other people's favorite bands? That would be like me posting a reply to this...and at the end adding...this...and I think you have a dumb screen there! Sounds pretty stupid doesn't it? maybe you'll think a little harder next time you post and try to keep it a little more constructive...
Hey MI , welcome back. I think his name is taken from a cheesy video game (seriously).
Castlevania? Cheesy? No more than GTA.

Actually if you can read, you'll see that I negated my comment on Opeth. My opinion of them should be of no consequence to you regardless. For as you implied, I'm not intellectually superior. Nor do I pretend to be. I embrace my stupidity just as much as every other American. Yet no one else seems worried that we have a Dick a Bush and a Colin telling us what to do.