Ultimate_Symphony said:
Good question, now all americans that don't support the war are traitors :rolleyes:

If you're out there protesting and bad mouthing George Bush, then you ARE A TRAITOR! Why aren't you liberal cowards protesting for Saddam to DISARM? No. you'd rather protest our country because we don't want another 9/11 to occur and if you stupid asses had any kind of educaton, you'd pay attention to the reality that Saddam has lied, he has many resources to hide his weapons from inspectors and Iraqi nuclear scientists who have defected have told us that he plans on making nukes and is only one component away from achieving that. All these liberals are traitors. Many people would tell you in person to your face and add some emphasis to it. Celebrities who are sympathizing with Saddam and terrorists are already getting blacklisted and for good reason. Another thing is, many of these people protesting are fucking stupid sheep who ignore the facts and support the status quo. How many fucking resolutions does Iraq need to break? How many fucking lies will you believe? You'd believe the lies of Saddam and yet name our own government the bad guys. THAT EQUALS TRAITOR! What's it gonna take? An atomic bomb brought in on a ship in NY harbor for you to get Saddams nuts off your chins? Dumbass.
Hannibal666Lecter said:
Excuse me but if you're an American then it's your duty to defend your country and fight for the freedoms you currently take for granted and abuse. If not, get the fuck out traitor. Buy a ticket to Canada like all the yellow draft dodgers of the Vietnam era. Or better yet, buy a ticket to Iraq. I've already served my duty.

"Abusing" freedom? I'm using it as it's supposed to be used. I refuse to die for oil - it's that simple. The government is not representing my interests, so why should I represent theirs?

People connected with the military have this irrational hatred for peace activists, like we're more of the enemy than any terrorist or foreign soldier. Here's a hint, man - we're on your side. We're trying to STOP you from getting shot at. The peace movement is doing its best to keep our soldiers from getting shot at in an unnecessary war, and yet you treat us like a hostile nation. Do you WANT to die?

Hannibal666Lecter said:
Btw, dolt, find where I said you did.

Here we go:

Hannibal666Lecter said:
Slayer's last 2 albums haven't been all that great but they are far from sell out.

That was in direct response to my first post about Slayer. Therefore, you were implying that I was calling them sell-outs. Case closed.

Hannibal666Lecter said:
If you're out there protesting and bad mouthing George Bush, then you ARE A TRAITOR!

And that is where you're dead wrong, my friend. It is not only the right, but the DUTY of an American citizen to express their opinion if they disagree with the government. The Founding Fathers depended on political dissent to make this country run; it's part of the system of checks and balances.

The reason everyone is so high on America is because it's a DEMOCRACY. We have certain freedoms, such as freedom of speech. Exercising your freedom of speech does not make you a traitor; it makes you more of a patriot than any suburban soccer mom who stuck an American flag on her SUV after 9-11 and mindlessly goes along with anything Bush says.

Hannibal666Lecter said:
You'd believe the lies of Saddam and yet name our own government the bad guys.

What part of "Assassinate Saddam" escapes you? I WANT the fucker to die. I don't want his people to die along with him. I don't believe he's disposed of all his weapons, but the US cannot declare a pre-emptive strike on Saddam Hussein because we THINK he may declare a strike on us. That's contradictive hypocrisy, and we don't want to set that kind of precedent when North Korea is breathing down our collective neck with nukes in hand.

Now I have a question - if you don't like people excercising their freedom of speech, why don't you get the fuck out? Live in Iraq, follow the government unquestioningly, and have fun when the bombs start falling.
Hannibal666Lecter said:
I'm not concerned if you're offended. I'm offended by Americans who are traitors. Deal with it. Send the CIA in? We had our chance to assassinate Saddam back in the Mid 90s but your liberal president was too busy getting a blow job from Monica and nixed the plan. It was your President's liberal feet dragging that allowed a tyrant like Saddam to completely wipe his ass with how many UN Resolutions over how many years? 12?

Do you really believe that stuff? Wasn't Clinton's place to take out Saddham. Bush Sr. managed to inspire the oppressed culture of southern Iraq into revolution, promising military support following Operation Desert Storm. Their army fought their way to just 10 minutes away from the capital. Then do you know what happened? Bush Sr. decided that taking over and putting up a new government would probably leave them with a government even more antagonistic to the US. The rebel army was slaughtered. 300,000 people were slaughtered by Iraqi attack helicopters we allowed them to continue using. Meanwhile our own attack helicopters flew far above, under orders merely to watch the slaughter. We could have had Saddham out then and there with just the slightest bit of support. Bush didn't want it.

Do you think our government's intentions nowadays are ANY nobler than they were then? Y'know about our Vice-President, Dick Cheney? Before he resigned from the OIL company he was working for and signed onto the presidential cabinet he did something a bit different from what he's doing now. After the war while Bush senior was backing off, good ole Cheney was getting paid to rebuild Saddham's oil fields which we bombed. Pretty good deal, eh? He talks us into bombing em and gets paid the big bucks to fix em. Up to just THREE months before he was put on the presidential ballot, 3, Cheney devoted his efforts to campaigning against lifting the embargo on Iraq so he could buy oil from Saddham. The guy's evil incarnate.

Guess the only solution is mindlessly believing in everything our government tells ya, right? After all, who's ever heard of a corrupt government where power was passed on father to son in the interest of only a rich, manipulative, select few?
Pyrus said:
"Abusing" freedom? I'm using it as it's supposed to be used. I refuse to die for oil - it's that simple. The government is not representing my interests, so why should I represent theirs?

You believing it's about oil is part of your problem. If we were after the oil we could have taken it 12 years ago. Face it, you're a coward and so are the rest of you liberals.

People connected with the military have this irrational hatred for peace activists, like we're more of the enemy than any terrorist or foreign soldier.

People affiliated with the peace movement have this irrational stupidity toward our president and government. Everything is a conspiracy. Everything is a plot against the liberals.

Here's a hint, man - we're on your side. We're trying to STOP you from getting shot at.

Here's a hint man. We're trying to keep you from getting nuked, gassed or germed. Doh.

The peace movement is doing its best to keep our soldiers from getting shot at in an unnecessary war, and yet you treat us like a hostile nation. Do you WANT to die?

Do you want to die moron? You completely ignore the facts like a typical tree hugger. Yes, we should all hold hands, turn our back on our fighting troops who need our support and ignore all the threats out there until they come smashing through our buildngs with jumbo jets.

Here we go:

That was in direct response to my first post about Slayer. Therefore, you were implying that I was calling them sell-outs. Case closed.

Hey fuckstick, don't assume I implied anything unless I name you or quote you...idiot. Case closed.

And that is where you're dead wrong, my friend. It is not only the right, but the DUTY of an American citizen to express their opinion if they disagree with the government.

If you get a draft notice, we'll see how much your protests mean. It's my right to label you a coward and a traitor for such behavior. What do you think of that?

The Founding Fathers depended on political dissent to make this country run; it's part of the system of checks and balances.

Hey snotnose, you're 16 years old. Don't lecture me about the US Constitution or anything else for that matter.

The reason everyone is so high on America is because it's a DEMOCRACY. We have certain freedoms, such as freedom of speech. Exercising your freedom of speech does not make you a traitor; it makes you more of a patriot than any suburban soccer mom who stuck an American flag on her SUV after 9-11 and mindlessly goes along with anything Bush says.

You can save your tree hugger ACLU speeches for someone who gives a rats ass. If you or anyone else defends Saddam Hussein and tries undermining the safety and security of out country because of their own personal agendas, they are traitors. End of story.

What part of "Assassinate Saddam" escapes you? I WANT the fucker to die.

What part of we had our chance back in 95 escapes you? What part about Saddam is currently so protected and in seclusion that it would be IMPOSSIBLE at this time. What part of stay in school dumbass 16 yr old escapes you?

I don't want his people to die along with him. I don't believe he's disposed of all his weapons, but the US cannot declare a pre-emptive strike on Saddam Hussein because we THINK he may declare a strike on us.

Awe, you mean YOU DON'T WANT TO BE DRAFTED. People die in war. Wars are part of human history. War frees people. You get an F. Go sit in the corner. We can declare war on him because of all the UN Resolutions he's broken and we're going to. It's just a matter of days. HA HA!

That's contradictive hypocrisy,

Oh, so what you're saying is we should wait until he nukes us or gasses us or uses Biological weapons on us, killing many innocent Americans before we do anything? What you're saying is we should ignore the everyday atrocities he's committing on his own people on a daily basis just because little pussies like you are afraid to fight?

and we don't want to set that kind of precedent when North Korea is breathing down our collective neck with nukes in hand.

They are nothing. We're not even worried about them.

Now I have a question - if you don't like people excercising their freedom of speech, why don't you get the fuck out? Live in Iraq, follow the government unquestioningly, and have fun when the bombs start falling.

Hey snotnose, I never said you couldn't say what you want. I said you are a coward and a traitor for the things you say. Try to follow along now. I know you're not too bright but maybe you can get a tutor or something after school. Someone is free to call a black person a N....r. They are free to say it. But they are labelled racist for it and someone who tries undermining our national security and sympathizes with the enemy is a traitor. Understand?
eldrytch said:
Do you really believe that stuff? Wasn't Clinton's place to take out Saddham.
Yes and no.

Bush Sr. managed to inspire the oppressed culture of southern Iraq into revolution, promising military support following Operation Desert Storm. Their army fought their way to just 10 minutes away from the capital. Then do you know what happened? Bush Sr. decided that taking over and putting up a new government would probably leave them with a government even more antagonistic to the US. The rebel army was slaughtered. 300,000 people were slaughtered by Iraqi attack helicopters we allowed them to continue using. Meanwhile our own attack helicopters flew far above, under orders merely to watch the slaughter. We could have had Saddham out then and there with just the slightest bit of support. Bush didn't want it.

So what's your point really? We should have our hands tied due to the mistakes of the past? Hahahaha. Typical liberal bullshit rationality.

Do you think our government's intentions nowadays are ANY nobler than they were then? Y'know about our Vice-President, Dick Cheney? Before he resigned from the OIL company he was working for and signed onto the presidential cabinet he did something a bit different from what he's doing now. After the war while Bush senior was backing off, good ole Cheney was getting paid to rebuild Saddham's oil fields which we bombed. Pretty good deal, eh? He talks us into bombing em and gets paid the big bucks to fix em. Up to just THREE months before he was put on the presidential ballot, 3, Cheney devoted his efforts to campaigning against lifting the embargo on Iraq so he could buy oil from Saddham. The guy's evil incarnate.

Ahahahahahahahahaha! What a load of crap!!!! Hey traitor, why don't you get on the next plane to Iraq since our goverment officials are so evil with their right wing conspiracies you X-files freak!

Guess the only solution is mindlessly believing in everything our government tells ya, right?

LOL! Oh and where do YOU get your info?

After all, who's ever heard of a corrupt government where power was passed on father to son in the interest of only a rich, manipulative, select few?

Yeah and Saddam is the real victim here right!? Ahahaha! I prove my point!!!
Hannibal666Lecter said:
You believing it's about oil is part of your problem. If we were after the oil we could have taken it 12 years ago. Face it, you're a coward and so are the rest of you liberals.

Faulty logic. Just because we didn't take it then doesn't mean we're not going to take it now. And who said anything about oil? That may be one of the factors, but how about distracting us from the horrible economy and the administration's failure to capture Osama bin Laden "Dead Or Alive" as promised?

Hannibal666Lecter said:
People affiliated with the peace movement have this irrational stupidity toward our president and government. Everything is a conspiracy. Everything is a plot against the liberals.

Groundless and irrelevant.

Hannibal666Lecter said:
Here's a hint man. We're trying to keep you from getting nuked, gassed or germed. Doh.

I'm sure the #1 thing on Saddam's to-do list is attacking America. The guy is SMART. He is evil and smart and has survived all these years by good planning. Attacking America would be suicide, and he knows that.

Hannibal666Lecter said:
Do you want to die moron? You completely ignore the facts like a typical tree hugger. Yes, we should all hold hands, turn our back on our fighting troops who need our support and ignore all the threats out there until they come smashing through our buildngs with jumbo jets.

Get me some facts. Your statements are pure conjecture and opinion. IRAQ HAS NOT ATTACKED THE UNITED STATES. If pre-emptive strikes were standard policy, which they will be if we set this precedent, the world would have been a smoking cratered wasteland years ago.

Hannibal666Lecter said:
Hey fuckstick, don't assume I implied anything unless I name you or quote you...idiot. Case closed.

You DID quote me. Do you read what you type?

Hannibal666Lecter said:
If you get a draft notice, we'll see how much your protests mean. It's my right to label you a coward and a traitor for such behavior. What do you think of that?

Avoiding the issue. Never called your right to say such things into quetion. I do question the grounds behind these accusations, however: why do you label me a traitor when I am only doing what every American has the right to do?

Hannibal666Lecter said:
Hey snotnose, you're 16 years old. Don't lecture me about the US Constitution or anything else for that matter.

Ah, the refuge of the ignorant. "I'm older than you are, therefore I know better." That's so ridiculous it barely bears mentioning.

Hannibal666Lecter said:
You can save your tree hugger ACLU speeches for someone who gives a rats ass. If you or anyone else defends Saddam Hussein and tries undermining the safety and security of out country because of their own personal agendas, they are traitors. End of story.

Find where I defended Saddam Hussein. My personal agenda DOES have a voice in running the country, because I'm an American citizen. My agenda and 270 million others.

Hannibal666Lecter said:
What part of we had our chance back in 95 escapes you? What part about Saddam is currently so protected and in seclusion that it would be IMPOSSIBLE at this time. What part of stay in school dumbass 16 yr old escapes you?

You never know until you try.

More later.
After the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which killed six and
injured 1,000; President Clinton promised that those responsible
would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1995 bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed five U.S.
military personnel; Clinton promised that those responsible would
be hunted down and punished.

After the 1996 Khobar Towers bombing in Saudi Arabia, which killed
19 and injured 200 U.S. military personnel; Clinton promised that
those responsible would be hunted down and punished.

After the 1998 bombing of U.S. embassies in Africa, which killed 224
and injured 5,000; Clinton promised that those responsible! would
be hunted down and punished.

After the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole, which killed 17 and injured
39 U.S. sailors; Clinton promised that those responsible would be
hunted down and punished.

Maybe if Clinton had kept his promise, an estimated 3,000 people in
New York and Washington, D.C. that are now dead would be alive

And, now that Bush is taking action to bring these people to
justice, we have opponents charging him with being a war monger...

This question was raised on a Philly radio call-in show.

Without casting stones, it is a legitimate question.

There are two men, both extremely wealthy. One develops relatively
cheap software and gives billions of dollars to charity. The other
sponsors terrorism. That being the case, why was it that the
Clinton Administration spent more money chasing down Bill Gates over
the past eight years than Osama bin Laden?


It is a strange turn of events.
Hillary gets $8 Million for her forthcoming memoir.
Bill gets about $12 Million for his memoir yet to be written.
This from two people who have spent the past 8 years being unable to
recall anything about past events while under oath!

Cmdr Hamilton McWhorter

P. S. Please forward this to as many people as you can!
We don't want this woman to even THINK of running for President.

The Alamo
Pearl Harbor

Pyrus said:
Faulty logic. Just because we didn't take it then doesn't mean we're not going to take it now. And who said anything about oil?

Pyrus said:
I refuse to die for oil - it's that simple.

GOD DAMN YOU'RE RETARDED! Try to pay attention! First assuming I quoted you on Slayer and now forgetting you mentioned OIL! THat's it, I'm out after this round. You're a fucking tool! 16 or not, you're just stupid.
And who cares if we do take the oil? I like to drive. My car needs gas.

That may be one of the factors, but how about distracting us from the horrible economy and the administration's failure to capture Osama bin Laden "Dead Or Alive" as promised? case you were too busy picking flowers instead of paying attention to world events, WE JUST CAUGHT BIN LADEN'S RIGHT HAND MAN! A MAJOR BLOW TO AL QUAIDA! ISN'T THAT PROGRESS? What about the economy? It was sucking when Bush inherited the presidency from Clinton. Yeah, the war is a smoke screen for the bad economy! LOL! You are ignorant.

Groundless and irrelevant.

Most of what you say is.

I'm sure the #1 thing on Saddam's to-do list is attacking America. The guy is SMART. He is evil and smart and has survived all these years by good planning. Attacking America would be suicide, and he knows that.

You are dumb and I see you are making excuses for Saddam as well as praising him and his intellect. Yes, he's smarter than our government. That's why we're gonna attack him. If you think a toe to toe war is what he's looking for you're sadly mistaken. He'll attack us in other ways. Perhaps a terrorist attack where he has his people explode an atomic bomb on our soil or gasses us or poisons our water supplies. Put down the crayons and use logic little kid.

Get me some facts. Your statements are pure conjecture and opinion.

It's more like the other way around.
My statements are fact based on many news reports, documentaries and books. The same sources you dumbasses get your info. Try paying attention. I don't need to provide you with any proof. If everyone is lying I'm still going to support my country. You should try it sometime traitor. Why they had Saddam's bomb maker on CNN tonight who defected a few years ago. He said Saddam is only one component away from a nuclear bomb. After being grilled by the liberals, it was determined he was telling the truth. The liberals were speechless. HA HA!

IRAQ HAS NOT ATTACKED THE UNITED STATES. If pre-emptive strikes were standard policy, which they will be if we set this precedent, the world would have been a smoking cratered wasteland years ago.

WHO FUCKING CARES? DO YOU WANT TO WAIT UNTIL HE ATTACKS US? HE TRIED TO ASSASSINATE BUSH SR. HE HATES US! Do you think he's gonna come right out and attack us? No, he's going to have others do his dirty work.

You DID quote me. Do you read what you type?

I didn't quote ANYONE! LOL!

This was my initial post before you chimed in moron!

"Yeah, bag on Slayer...they've only released how many classic albums? How many have MH released? ONE! Kerry King is right. Flynn is a sell out. What the fuck is this world coming to when Americans want to protect A tyrant like Saddam and "metal heads" on Testament's board side with a wigger. The end is here I'm afraid."


Avoiding the issue.

Look in the mirror. All you do is talk in circles.

Never called your right to say such things into quetion. I do question the grounds behind these accusations, however: why do you label me a traitor when I am only doing what every American has the right to do?

I explained it to you fool. Run along and color now. You're too stupid to follow the little words on your computer screen.

Ah, the refuge of the ignorant. "I'm older than you are, therefore I know better." That's so ridiculous it barely bears mentioning.

ZZzzz. Yes, people who have been on this planet longer and have experienced much more are generally more intelligent than some 16 year old smartass.

Find where I defended Saddam Hussein. My personal agenda DOES have a voice in running the country, because I'm an American citizen. My agenda and 270 million others.

270 million others! Ahahahahahaha! LMAO. You talk through your ass son. I'm done arguing with a 16 year old moron. It was fun though. Stay in school.
~Someone once said, but I can't quote it word for word... you know that someone doesn't know what they're talking about when they bring up politics. Bush is an idiot,... his father is an even bigger idiot,... you guys elected these idiots,... deal with it.

~Anyway back to topic, Kerry King as well as Tom Araya realise that they've lost their fan base, so they're killing themselves trying to make a scene and get some publicity. Slayer have no place talking about what metal should or shouldn't be as long as pictures of them in spandex still exist, and more recently interviews where Tom Araya mentions his favorite album is Paul Simon's Graceland and how much he likes Hole. Or one where Kerry King admits that Slipknot is his favorite band. It's no different than Pantera pretending like they started the band just before Cowboys From Hell.

~But I'm not here to defend Rob Flynn, (who should have reformed Vio-lence for good like all the other bands did since Chuck's benefit). Slayer had been spewing crap about Megadeth before Machine Head. Now I know most people aren't too keen on Megadeth after Risk... but I think their live album Rude Awakening speaks for itself. It was a near perfect set of some of the best metal songs ever assembled. And if Slayer or anyone denies that I call them out on their devotion to the scene.
What was this thread about again?

Hannibal...mellow out're gonna have a stroke or something!

You both have valid points...but I'm sure there is a political bullshit board that would be much more receptive to this type of discussion...if I want to talk about or hear about this subject I'll watch CNN or read the paper...let's keep the discussion in here about music...I come here to get away from this....

MindInsane said:
What was this thread about again?

Hannibal...mellow out're gonna have a stroke or something!

You mellow out. I'm having some fun. I initially made a simple comment and a couple of you limpwrists had a fucking seizure. Hahaha!

Yeah, okay back on topic.

Slayer = 2 sucky albums. not quite a sell out. Borderline. Still kicks ass live and put out over 6 classic albums that defined the trash genre.

MH = Put out one album and sold out. Jump da fuck up. Pure wiggerocity. Even changed old songs live to be more wiggery.

End of story.
Hannibal666Lecter said:
You mellow out. I'm having some fun. I initially made a simple comment and a couple of you limpwrists had a fucking seizure. Hahaha!.

Uh....let's not lump me into that generalization please....
All I can say is, I'm glad I'm not Hannibal. Unfortunately because of people like him, I have to suffer, growing up in this fucked up world. You're one of the most blindly patriotic dumbasses I've ever witnessed, and it's sad and frightening to know that there are hundreds of thousands of others who are probably much worse...

Pyrus has been right about a lot more shit than you have man... and your age IS NOT helping you... you're so firmly set in your ways, if we offered you absolute proof on something that contradicts you, you'd refuse to believe it. You think being old makes you more knowledgable than him? You're fucking wrong. Most young ppl may be dumb as fuck, but the smartest ppl on the planet are young ppl too. Every generation, on average, has more brain cells, and every genius has to grow up. And also, everybody could tell how fuckin -pissed- you were about this... don't bother denying it dude, it just makes you look stupider.

Americans dont want to protect Saddam. They don't want to spend, what was it, like OVER A TRILLION DOLLARS? Especially because it's all about the oil... if Bush had just come out and said "Hey, we need more oil, lets take it form Iraq", that would've been better... but he has to make up allt his terrorism and national security bullshit to justify it, even tho North Korea seems like more of a danger to me. And why don't we help the Israelis and Palestineans?? We were trying, and then we just... stopped... when Bush decided to go after Iraq.
Hannibal666Lecter said:
I didn't quote ANYONE! LOL!/quote]

Looks like a quote to me, man. And that's all I'm going to say, because you've been ignoring and distorting facts all this time and I can see I'm not going to get anywhere with you. It's useless to argue with anybody who's been hit by the US military propaganda machine, so let's just say that we have our differences and leave it at that. And please, refrain from using personal just shows how groundless your arguments really are.
Hannibal666Lecter said:
If you're out there protesting and bad mouthing George Bush, then you ARE A TRAITOR! Why aren't you liberal cowards protesting for Saddam to DISARM? No. you'd rather protest our country because we don't want another 9/11 to occur and if you stupid asses had any kind of educaton, you'd pay attention to the reality that Saddam has lied, he has many resources to hide his weapons from inspectors and Iraqi nuclear scientists who have defected have told us that he plans on making nukes and is only one component away from achieving that.

:lol: Man don't come to me with this bullshit. Who the fuck is George Bush anyway? he's the president right? does that mean that he's right on every decision that he makes? give me a fuckin' break. You say that Iraq has lied right? the US have lied to, read the fuckin' news or do some research if you don't beleive me.
Celebrities who are sympathizing with Saddam and terrorists are already getting blacklisted and for good reason.
Ah I love this, so everyone that doesn't agree with the US are traitors and terrorists?
Another thing is, many of these people protesting are fucking stupid sheep who ignore the facts and support the status quo. How many fucking resolutions does Iraq need to break? How many fucking lies will you believe? You'd believe the lies of Saddam and yet name our own government the bad guys.
You're the fuckin' sheep, you beleive every pile of horseshit that the US says, who are the US to protect the world anyway? they aren't the fuckin' police. If the Iraqui people have problems with Saddam, they should kick the shit out of him, not us. Oh and btw if you say we're cowards, then why the fuck aren't you on the war?

Botto-line: The US have done many ugly things and no one is there to watch them. Iraq has lied and that means we should bomb the shit out of them. You know what? The US has lied also, does that mean that someone should bomb the shit out of us?

Keep beleiving what you see on tv and what the US goverment says, you're on your way to becoming a good US sheep.
Oh btw, don't bother arguing with me since I don't really give a shit about politics. Most of the people that beleive in politicians are full of shit.
Stun said:
All I can say is, I'm glad I'm not Hannibal.

Right on. I'm glad I'm not a Canadian. Lol!

Unfortunately because of people like him, I have to suffer, growing up in this fucked up world. You're one of the most blindly patriotic dumbasses I've ever witnessed, and it's sad and frightening to know that there are hundreds of thousands of others who are probably much worse...

Blindly patriotic? I think not you misguided mountie. I know more about what's going on than all you little kids put together.

Pyrus has been right about a lot more shit than you have man...

Such as?

and your age IS NOT helping you... you're so firmly set in your ways, if we offered you absolute proof on something that contradicts you, you'd refuse to believe it.

Hahahaha! Show proof. I'm afraid you've got it the other way around fucktard. There's been so much proof offered that you doltish Democrats have ignored, it's quite amusing.

You think being old makes you more knowledgable than him?

Yes and also my eduction. I've punked him on every thread. Just because you're a Liberal fudgepacker and are taking his side, doesn't prove differently. You haven't proven anything in your silly little rant here. Lol!

You're fucking wrong.

You're Canadian.

Most young ppl may be dumb as fuck, but the smartest ppl on the planet are young ppl too.

Haha...not on this board.

everybody could tell how fuckin -pissed- you were about this... don't bother denying it dude, it just makes you look stupider.

Pfft, I wasn't pissed, I was in hysterical disbelief at the stupidity of Pyrus's responses. As I still am. If you have anymore questions you Canadian wuss, just refer to all those parts in my post where I go Hahahaha or Lol. You're the last person to be a spokesman for young intelligence. Aye. Hahaha!

Americans dont want to protect Saddam. They don't want to spend, what was it, like OVER A TRILLION DOLLARS? Especially because it's all about the oil... if Bush had just come out and said "Hey, we need more oil, lets take it form Iraq", that would've been better... but he has to make up allt his terrorism and national security bullshit to justify it, even tho North Korea seems like more of a danger to me. And why don't we help the Israelis and Palestineans?? We were trying, and then we just... stopped... when Bush decided to go after Iraq.

Dude, shut the fuck up. You're just plain STUPID and haven't backed up ANYTHING you're saying with fact. Just blind liberalism. Here's the part where I laugh. Try to follow along. Ha ha ha.

Canadians. Who cares what they think! Your army and airforce is 2 mounties and a flying squirrel.
Well said Ultimate Symphony.

Hannibal666= mindless republican

Hannibal how about coming up with a original argument, It sounds as if you should be on the Fox News Network. Just go to McDonalds, get some of those Freedom Fries, and get that brain a working with something original, take a New Republic etc, do a little research.

I would still like to know if Hannibal666, would have the guts to go over to Iraq and fight for "freedom" I mean the last Iraqi war really did so much to stabilize the region, foster democracy, and promote the American way of life, fuck, those arabs just love us for that war.

The funniest thing about all of this, is the fact that just couple of years ago Bin Laden stated that it was the GUlf War, that convinced him and much of his Al qauida cohorts of the evil of America, and needless American meddling into Arab affairs. America apparently doesnt get it, an invasion of Iraq will only further intensify such Arab hatreds, and lead to more terrorism.

Finally some of your facts about the Clinton Administration just dont make sense in regards to terrorism, all of the incidents you mentioned were Al qauida related, and last time I checked bin Laden is still running around.

I must stop I mean this debate could go on forever.
Ultimate_Symphony said:
:lol: Man don't come to me with this bullshit. Who the fuck is George Bush anyway? he's the president right? does that mean that he's right on every decision that he makes?

Uh..he's backed by congress. They are the only ones who can declare war. I'm sorry but you need to brush up on facts before you debate me. It's no fun when I win every time.

give me a fuckin' break. You say that Iraq has lied right? the US have lied to, read the fuckin' news or do some research if you don't beleive me.

I suggest YOU do some research. Your points are besides the point and just typical Liberal side tracking. So let me ask you and everyone else who hugs the tree, WHAT IS THE SOLUTION TO THE PROBLEM?

Ah I love this, so everyone that doesn't agree with the US are traitors and terrorists?

God damn it fool, how many times are you gonna repeat yourself ? Haha! I gave you my answer the first time shit head! Lol!

You're the fuckin' sheep, you beleive every pile of horseshit that the US says, who are the US to protect the world anyway?

Well I look at it this way, the USA and every country on the planet has an agenda and does what they need to do to protect their interests. I'm an American. I support my country. If your dad was a thief and didn't particularly support his actions, you'd still love him and support right? If he got into a fight with a murderer, are you gonna abandon your dad and side with the murderer? Well, you probably would because you're not too bright and pretty much a dumbass.

they aren't the fuckin' police.

Ah...yes they are.

If the Iraqui people have problems with Saddam, they should kick the shit out of him, not us.

Ahhahahaha! You are so ignorant. Yeah, they're gonna get to Saddam with all his protection! LMAO!!!

Oh and btw if you say we're cowards, then why the fuck aren't you on the war?

You stupid piece of shit. Read the previous posts. I've answered your questions!!! Ahahaha!

Botto-line: The US have done many ugly things and no one is there to watch them.

Like what?

Iraq has lied and that means we should bomb the shit out of them. You know what? The US has lied also, does that mean that someone should bomb the shit out of us?

I'm afraid it's about much more than telling lies on Iraq's part. You're no fun. Not even a challenge. Zzzzzzzz.

Keep beleiving what you see on tv and what the US goverment says, you're on your way to becoming a good US sheep.

Oh? Keep believing what I see on TV? And where do you get your info? DUMBASS! Bwahahahahaha!

Love and kisses Hannibal