Mackie Onyx 1640i

colonel kurtz

Sep 7, 2006

this thing looks sweet as shit...the design is a little funky with the open bottom and all, but i like that the FW is built in rather than having an option card, and most of all, the firewire sends actually route through the EQ - and can be selected as either pre/post-fader. i see that you can also select individual channels to route thru the firewire, though that seems like a bit of a redundant feature.

i'm really hoping that either mackie or some major retailer offers a trade-in deal for those with the original 1640 + firewire card!!

The Onyx 1640i also routes up to 16 channels from your DAW for further integration

edit: i missed this part on my initial it looks like you mix/sum in analog after tracking to digital. AND it works with PT...

looks really interesting,
that you can route the eq through the firewire is a big advantage over the older mackie onyx.
mackie hasnt put up their new line on the homepage yet, i wonder how you could use / route the 4 sub out.
if you can use them as discretes outs from DAW via FW makes it a big plus for me to buy it.
because reamping with only 1 stereo output on the mackie onyx is such a hassle
yea i have no idea how the sub & aux routing will work going back to the desk

all i know is that this new model seems to address all the issues and concerns that myself and pretty much anyone else had with the original 1640, and now i rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreally want one
yes it does let you

and it also makes me want to replace mine!

*hopes for trade-in program to come up somewhere*

i figure if digi can offer trade-in discounts for users who went from the 002 to the 003, mackie can do the same here
