Mackie Onyx Satellite problem


Dec 20, 2008
Hi there!,

Looking for a help with this piece of crap.
The problem is that unit has been bought on Ebay in US, so power adapter is of no use, got to buy 230V 1000mA here.
I am using my Lenovo laptop ATM, this bitch refuses to work with a TI card I bought for some reason, so I got to use internal one.
The main issue is HUM - a 50HZ ground hum that I kill with Waves XHUM, but that is not the issue. When I use a Satellite POD separately it starts capturing radio especially when some OD or distortion plugins are on.
No radio with base station on, but here is another problem. Firewire connection is much stable with just POD used, however both with docked and separated satellite. Firewire connection just disappears, and I have to turn on/off up to 10 times to make the firewire connection led turn green.

I have got problems with sample rate. I am operation 44100 in Cubase, everything turns to 96000 when I open a file or even Skype is on an I get a message with a sound alert.
Internal Audio card is off in BIOS.

What do I need to do? Buy another power supply to eliminate hum/radio?
What to do with sample rate?
Or it's better to get rid of this crap?

P.S considering amount of "Blah-blah doesn't work "posts on Mackie forum and the fact they issued a troubleshooting pdf manual and fixes there is some problem with the quality of devices they produce. Am I wrong?