Mackie Onyx Satellite sample rate problem .


Dec 20, 2008
Well, here is the problem:

The story is, when I launch Cubase 5, it says "Sample rate has been changed to 96000 " well, fuck that I work in 44100, so I go and change it manually in project setup.

Well, everything is fine while working in Cubase, however when I switch to another application, say Guitar Pro, it doesn't play properly. Everything is down tuned, and ~30% of a tempo, well sounds like crap, let's put it that way.
Playing mp3's in Aimp, Winamp etc is also fucked up.

everything is fine after Cubase is closed. However sometimes after opening files in sample rate of 48800, it starts to fuck brains.

Well, how can I fix that. I have installed updated drivers, Satellite is only manageable via "Devices" , and I can not set sample rate, only number of samples in there.

Any thoughts?
not sure about with the satellite, but with my onyx 1640 there's a little "onyx control panel" that's installed in the start menu. i have to open this thing and use it to change the sample rate and latency.
First version of drivers had this option, Mackie removed this feature in updated drivers. That sucks((
Any opinions?