Madgirl Whats a gold flashing snitch?

now theres a question lol
*mental note- give mind a good scrub*

Ok - in the quidditch game - the seeker ( which is what harry is) has to spend the game looking for a golden snitch !!
this is basically a small golden ball, very tiny , with little wings that moves very fast and tends to try and hide from the seekers of each team. the seeker that catches the snitch- wins the game for their team, along with 150 points for their house!!!

sometimes the fame of quidditch can go on for years- becuase the game doesnt end until the snitch is caught!!!!!!
so thats from the book

i was given a flashing golden snitch,

basically its a funky piece of harry potter merch.
its a ball shaped and painted like a snitch! when u throw it on the floor ( its also very bouncy) it flashes about ten t imes - which is great fun especially when its dark!!!

Hoorah for Warner Brothers!!

Hope thats helped!!!!!