Mael Mordha - Mael Mordha

After a few listens i think I can confidentally say that its not as good as Cluain Tarb, though it is still quite good and definitely worth purchasing when it is actually released.
Yep - I'll be purchasing this fore sure. I can tell it's only going to continue to grow on me and I'm already digging the hell out of it so far.

The fact that they slayed at HC II obviously made me want to check them out more, but since I hadn't heard them prior to that show, listening to this was like listening to anything else for the first time. In my case, I listened to the studio album with complete objectiveness.

ill be getting it, and i wasn't at HCII. i hold all rights in telling you fools that mentioned this band a looooooong time ago and was almost completely ignored
I actually missed most of their HC set... but after HC I listened to them on album and was like "ZOMG! Why did that shuttle bus driver have to be so fucking slow!" and cried like a little bitch for half an hour.

And now here we are.
i certainly didnt ignore. i think i was the only one who actually bought the album after your recommendation. they are fucking great. there's a lot of metal that i just cant listen to anymore, but i love mael mordha.
you're at RC. most here won't spend more than $8 on a CD...that's includes shipping

that's bullshit man. 70% of the people here dream of dropping $30 on a crappy digipack CD just so they can be part of the kool-klub with the other 499 suckers.