Mael Mordha


Old Fart
Jul 24, 2001
The Woodlands
Not sure if anyone here is familiar with this Irish Celtic doom act. They've been around for a while, having released numerous demos. Unfortunately, I've been unable to get my hands on them. I've only heard the single track they donated for the In Unison Comp a few years back, which I thought was excellent.

Fortunately, Karmageddon Media has released their debut album which compiles the best songs from the demos, which were re-arranged and re-recorded.

"...imagine the Irish sound of Primordial meeting the doomier side of U.K.'s Solstice with a very big Irish/Gaelic touch in the lyrics and concept. Fans of Falkenbach, Thyrfing, Cruachan, or Primordial should give this band a fair listen."

J. said:
meaning why do you people need audio samples....sheesh. just buy.

It's actually pretty fucking simple, really. I'd rather have a sample of something and decide I don't like it before wasting my $12-$20 and going through the hassle of selling/trading it off.
Well that is simple...and stupid. If I based what I bought entirely on samples, I would have never found Aeternus, among others. Judging an entire band's catalogue on a few songs (and sometimes not even an entire song) is beyond retarded.

But this will go nowhere, so lets agree to disagree.